Vixens: Demo

This ain’t good. When you listen carefully to the demo of an exciting new indie band and the only impression you’re left with is enhanced admiration for Robyn’s ‘With Every Heartbeat’ it ain’t good (like a nickel made of wood). But there you are; the only memorable tune on this four-song demo is a crappily-performed parody of the Swedish pop annoyance’s big hit. Occasionally this sort of thing can be a blast-witness Cake’s stumbling, stoned demolition of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’, which will live to the end of time. Brookes University’s Vixens have a reputation to make though (they are inexplicably supporting Youthmovies at the Cellar soon) and the gamble has backfired. Their original songs sound derivative and tedious, and Robyn’s bit of nonsense eclipses all of them.

The first thing to say is that the vocalist is hopeless, singing throughout with zero-point energy and majoring in droning tunelessness. The cover mercilessly exposes his limitations but he’s not much better on the originals, swerving between a forlorn Jim Morrison impersonation on ‘All of us Liars’ and a half -hearted essay in Julian Casablancas posing on the forgettable ‘Modern Haste’. The instrumentalists do a passable impression of The Strokes on ‘Her Eyes’ but it’s a style which has been out of date for years now – why revive it? ‘Modern Haste’ sees Vixens, like far too many young bands, aping Editors (who aren’t much cop themselves) and ‘All Of Us Liars’ sounds like a Pearl Jam B-side.

If this review seems overburdened with refences to other artists, this is clearly because Vixens have yet to find their own voice. While this is admittedly common enough for student bands, the group must provide a speedy answer to the question of whether there is any talent underneath the karaoke incompetence. Youthmovies await.

Vixens Myspace

  • Danny

    WE got dealt!

  • Danny


  • Olly

    Have any of you slept with his wife or somit, he does not like you!!!

  • Danny

    no, i think it was his mum we sessioned actually…..

  • ed

    Fuck off Colin! get ur head out of your own arse and stop being such a pretentious twat. If you havnt got anything nice to say then bugger off!

  • Charlotte

    Chill out man, it was our first demo, get off your high horse, take the pole out ur bum and come see us play live… dont be so narrow minded, big trees come from tiny seeds… everyones got to start somewhere. (u need to start a new job)

    p.s you didnt slate the drummer!?!? Hope you know its a girl, that might give you something else to moan about.

  • http://na cantfink

    LOL, that’s not very nice. I guess were open to our own opinions and all that; I fink there good. In fact I like there riffs etc and the LEGO head hair cut of one specific member… 😀

    I like modern haste, ALOT. AND YOU CANT TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!! The biggest issues with them supporting YouthMovies @ ARF? was YouthMovies with there over zealous set. You Animals I saw before they reformed above The Port Mahon, coincidently Vixens first gig. And I have to say I was not looking that forward to seeing them, I was indifferent. Apart from Vixens it was Race Riot I came to see; and let me tell everyone out there that Vixens and Race Riot are awesome; NO THERE WICKED AWESOME BO! But You Animals blew me away, and this probably wouldnt of happened if Vixens had not warmed the crowd up quite so well.

    So essentially my comment to you mr author man is this: Where was ur band? Why weren’t they supporting your so fondly fort of YouthMovies? Because your shit perhaps? or u lack the ability to get ur band out there? I dont know, I havent listened to ur stuff. I have listened to Vixens stuff and I like it. I like it more than your review, and I like it more that a fry up on a sunday afernoon.

    P.S. can some one sort out the floating CSS where the user types this, if the window width is shortened the input area goes over the links on the right, maybe a fixed width? or a table? I dont know?!

  • Handling criticism gracefully

    Oh dear… this programme of getting all your friends to have a pop back at the reviewer just because you can’t handle a negative review really isn’t do you any favours…

  • http://na cantfink

    EDIT: Vixens first gig was at port mahon, not same night as kamakon [what ever im dyslexic]

  • Charlotte

    Chill out man, it was our first demo, get off your high horse, take the pole out ur bum and come see us play live… dont be so narrow minded, big trees come from tiny seeds… everyones got to start somewhere. (u need to start a new job)

    p.s you didnt slate the drummer!?!? Hope you know its a girl, that might give you something else to moan about.

  • Danny

    i already emailed saying we didnt ask for the abuse to be put here- everyone is entitled to their opinion i knew this would happen……………… whats the point in allowing comments though if people cant REPLY to whats being said- admittedly just slating collin in return is not fair either…..
    anyyone who posts please just opinions nothing personal!
    the mum thing was a joke hope it was taken lightly…

  • lewis

    colin, my shit can talk more sense than you, who gave you a job i think your more suited to a job selling the big issue. GET BACK IN YOUR CAVE!! hahaha

  • what a helm

    This Colin sounds like a real tosser. Where is his band pray tell? Jonty Rules!!

  • David

    Colin, we haven’t told our friends to have a pop at the reviewer, however we have put a link to the review on the myspace and invited people to comment. I’m not sure why you seem to hate us so much, I’m quite prepared to accept criticism if it’s constructive but your review is as much of a lazy and unimaginitive cliche as you seem to think our music is. Yeah you don’t like it, maybe some suggestions of what you see is wrong with it above it’s shit, it’s cliched, they can’t play their instruments would be useful? I do agree we need to find our own voice, we are constantly writing new stuff, those four songs reflect 2 months as a band from inception to recording, so to be honest I don’t give a toss that you don’t like it, but yeah cheers for reviewing it….haha

  • Danny

    ……enough. draw a line now please. no more abuse for colin or vixens.

  • you are a petty, petty man

    Your review is so far from a rounded, well constructed critique of an upcoming band its untrue! Why the hell did you only slate the lead singer? Just walk all over someone’s self esteem why don’t you. As a singer myself I should know how much guts it takes to stand up on stage or in the studio and expose yourself so completely. I very much doubt you would have the nerve or the talent to do anything similar. And no you cannot just label the rest of the band ‘instrumentalists’ – you need to go back to review school me thinks.

  • Peter

    from what i’ve heard of vixens i have to say i think your review is a complete farce. do you just focus negative points? or do you ever look at the positives as well?! and no, not all of us here are “friends” with the band, some of us just appreciate new artists and like to support rather than put them down!


  • Beaver Fuel

    Can we expect to see a review of this in Nightshift? ‘Slasher’ MacKinnon has nothing on Ronan…

  • Danny

    i dont think we’ll be submitting this demo for review again haha x

  • Char

    I think this review is a bit over harsh, considering the band have not been together that long and only just establishing themselves…but i guess everyone is entitled to their opionion even if it is a unesecarily rude and nasty. However, i feel that Vixens can go a long way. I was at abort and felt vixens deserved their support slot. Their demo tracks are not nescessary their best songs (but do deserve a chance) and i look forward to whatever they do next. If you were at Abort you would realise that they have some really good news songs, particulary the last one they performed which is amazing. Don’t judge till you have seen them live as i think you would be surprised….

  • Adrian

    To all those saying “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything” – err, that’s the point of a review?! being a “new band” isn’t a reason to go easy on a group if they’re not up to it, and saying “they’re better live” isn’t either – in that case, get someone to review the gig!

    to “you are a petty petty man” – you probably don’t know it, but Colin’s a frontman and songwriter of many years experience – so yes, he definitely does have the balls to get up and do it himself, and I’m sure has been on the end of a bad review more than once. Whether you like his songs or not is up to you….but unfortunately you’re so far off the mark here it’s comical.

    Peter – you seem to be basing a lot on heresay – have you HEARD the demo in question before arguing it’s merits? if’s a bit of a weird stance.

    To those members of the band – don’t let any bad review get you too down, read it, agree or disagree as you see fit and work on making the next recording or gig that much better.

  • (dis)constructive criticism

    I saw Vixen’s performace at the Cellar, supporting Youthmovies, and wasn’t particularly impressed. Two things stood out:

    1. The drummer wasn’t very tight – so needs more practice, and
    2. The vocals match the review’s description, and that might be to some people’s taste (but not mine). At the time I thought they were a bit goth, but I had a quick a listen to some The Sisters of Mercy (the first thing that came to mind), and, whilst having a similar tone, Vixen’s singer lacks the commitment in delivery.

    P.S. What does it matter which gender the drummer is?

  • Joe

    “Oh dear. This ain’t good.”
    Almost ironic. This feeble attempt at petty nihilism serves only to undermine any credibility as a serious review and falls to a singular perspective personal attack lacking any demonstrable argument.

    The density of comparative allusion in a desperate attempt to show musical credential serves only to show the needy desperation of the author to be validated as some kind of credible or serious influential force. The lack of focus in the text demonstrates an inability to relate the intent of the purpose.

    Perhaps Colin is a great front man and talented songwriter (I may or may not have seen him over the years, so can’t validate that either way) and perhaps there are those that agree with the comments, but this aping of the Nightshift Demo Dumper serves no ones interests.

    I also saw Vixens at the Cellar and considering this was only their 3rd or so gig, think they are developing well and show good potential, they were not perhaps as polished in stage delivery as You Animals, but they certainly have the potential to get there.

    I also like the demo very much. I get to hear a lot of stuff and play this fairly regularly.

    – Joe –

  • boywithatoy

    You know what? After reading this review and all the comments that came after it I had to go and listen to their myspace and Colin, I’ll be honest with you here mate, I think you are being a bit harsh here. You know that I don’t know them – so it’s not me sticking up for mates. It’s not the sort of music I particuarly like but it’s not as shit as you make out. His vocals remind me of bands like Interpol and the editors (and i fucking hate those bands!) but at the same time he sounds a bit like the dude from Whipping Boy (god, I’m showing my age here!) so to say he cant sing is abit unfair, he’s got an alright voice – at least he’s not putting on a fake accent like so many bands nowadays.
    I think they’re ok, and for a first demo it’s pretty good but I bet they all have haircuts, tight trousers and a dvd boxed set of ‘Skins’ – which means they will probably be pretty successful!

  • Danny

    doesnt everyone have haircuts? but yeah we fit that bill pretty wel… xx

  • boywithatoy

    There are haircuts and there are ‘haircuts’. Graeme from Youthmovies has a haircut, Yannis from Foals has a ‘haircut’.

  • jasmine

    i think you are just wonderful!

  • Mr. Anon.

    Hello… i’ve heard your music, and to be fair.. the review was spot on.
    Yes, you got rinsed, but you really do need a good ol’ rinsin’.. because, well.. i don’t know where to start.. so uninspiring, so tediously monotonous.. so overdone, and not even DONE properly..
    It’s one thing to come out and play when you’ve got little or no material..
    It’s another thing completely to come out and expect a decent review when you have little or no handle over your instruments.
    No one will listen to this, apart from to do their buddy a favour, let alone buying it.
    Stay up, keep working.

  • Danny

    to be fair,we are being booked at various venues and this is from listening to the demo, now i can see the truth in some points made but as to mr anon, to say we cannot play our instruments isnt true. i am not a master guitarist but i have been playing a fair few years and have heard many many worse examples of playing on far more popular/critical well recieved music. as for saying no-one will listen to this- we have 5000 plays on myspace and i doubt my friends are that commited…. we have/ are playing most of the main venues in oxford so i cannot agree with that, maybe you hate it and fair enough but unnecesary hyperbole weakens any argument…..

  • Quentin

    Vixens, check out the number of responses to this review, the scores of curious oxfordbandites going onto your myspace will be far greater than if you had landed a mediocre review… any attention is good attention!

  • Alan

    You guys are both as bad at each other; to the band -if your gonna ask your song to be reviewed when it has not been polished you cannot expect a great review, and to the reviewer if you are gonna post a review like this you cannot expect a great response from the band, or anyone who associates themselves with the band. You guys are both making a half-assed attempt at your jobs and then having an arguement over it. Maybe the demo shouldnt have been sent in? Maybe the reviewer should have been a little less blind about what kind of reaction such a view should have? Maybe this reaction is a good thing and can push both the band and critic on to greater things?….

    ….maybe the garbageman should wear shoes?

  • colinmackinnon

    Alan: I’m not aware that I’m having an argument with anyone, not having posted here since the review went up. I know all the writers on enjoy reading comments about their reviews- if the latter didn’t elicit interest/controversy/debate there wouldn’t be a lot of point to it.

    Just a quick point: I’ve never met any of Vixens. From exchanging the odd e-mail with Danny and David, they seem completely nice people.

    Anyway, as Danny mentioned earlier, with more than thirty posts, I think it’s time to call a halt to this thread,as both friend and foe of the band have said their piece. Often quite loudly.



  • JAY



  • Olgadus

    erm… I’ve just sent off a little reviewy of my own, of a Vixens performance in December. It’ll be in OMS. Hope I won’t need to hire protection!

    If it makes you feel any better I like your skinny jeans

  • Danny

    depends what it says- i’ve been sharpening my arrows in preparation xx