Stornoway: On the Rocks EP

If you can stand talking to one for long enough, sooner or later an estate agent shall tell you that only one thing really matters in selling houses: location. And in music, the most significant element affecting our judgement is context.  Change the context and we’ll all think something new about the music. Sloppy funk covers might be fun in a youth club charity battle of the bands, but would seem pretty facile at a state funeral.  So much music works differently in the live arena than in the studio – Redox is one of the most entertaining live bands in town, but has anyone listened to the last EP more than once?

It’s with this in mind that we approach the new EP by one of our favourite locals acts, Stornoway, because there’s a great big sore thumb sticking out a mile, and that offending digit is EP closer, “The Good Fish Guide”.  Quite a good laugh live, with Jon Ouin intoning the title like a twisted ringmaster, whilst seven shades of hellish carnival unfold around him, with chanted fish breeds being traded with horse headed jazz (you have to see it to understand), but it’s a bit of a disaster on record.  A big clumsy whoop ushers in the song, and already our thoughts are wandering towards The Toy Dolls’ take on “Nellie The Elephant”, and that’s before the verses have nudged our memories towards The Divine Comedy’s “A Seafood Song” and the muted trumpet has caused us to shudder with recollection of The Big Ben Banjo Band.  It’s just a bit of a bloody mess, to be frank, with the stagnant air of a failed 5th form revue.  Even Jon can’t raise his game, and chooses some “funny” voices for his part, including a woeful Brummie and what might be Rolf Harris.  The only good things we can say about “The Good Fish Guide” are that it has a serious ecological message, it raises money for The Marine Conservation Society, and the unexpected quotation of “That’s Entertainment” by The Jam on muted trumpet made us chuckle.

OK, we’ve got that out of the way.  Phew.  The rest of the EP is thankfully as good, if not better, than Stornoway’s previous two majestic recordings, and manages to cram a myriad of ideas into each song, without losing sight of Brian Briggs’ gorgeously heroic yet melancholic vocals, that have the bittersweet tenor of a victory song sung by the last soldier standing.  “Unfaithful” opens with the sort of tremoloed 50s shoegazing guitar that mid-90s media darlings Madder Rose used to trade in, before a creamy vocal about cars and dreams starts lifting your hearts.  Just before it can turn into a twee Springsteen, however, an avalanche of dissonant piano collapses around us with a (sergeant) peppering of fairground melodies.

Even better is “The Pupil Of Your Eye”, which intriguingly mashes together two very different songs, one of which is a Sci-Fi new wave blast about “magnetic fields” and “electric currents”, featuring some fantastic wibbly keys, and the other is cheeky organ clomp.  They’d both be great songs on their own, and illogically they get better in company.

We hear some of the old Stornoway in “Here Comes The Blackout”, all folky guitar, fluid bass, subtle keys and close harmonies, which is a welcome break before the title track, in which Simon & Garfunkel take over a drum and bass session and some incredible cymbal work makes a sound like sunlight glinting from an icicle.  Except even better.  And after all that we still feel there’s plenty on these four tracks that we haven’t touched on, and that this EP is an embarrassment of riches…whereas the final track is just a bit of an embarrassment.  Of course, 95% of people will think exactly the opposite; that’s why the world is beyond hope.

Stornoway Myspace

  • colinmackinnon

    Super review, David, as always. I’ve heard the record and agree with most of what you’ve written. TGFG is an amusing novelty, but it rather draws attention away from the superior songs. Nightshift in their review have almost ignored the others. ‘Here comes the Blackout’ is just marvellous.

  • joederville

    I think Ronan just has a problem with hats…

  • JAY



  • colin

    All right, matey, so what cities have better scenes? Please don’t say Manchester or Glasgow- we can guess that already! They are rather bigger.

    And stop typing in capitals! Makes you sound like a nutter.

  • phill

    Whilst I don’t agree with jay about oxford not having a good music scene (it does, get out there and check bands out) I’m afraid I’ve never ‘got’ Stornoway either. However, there are plenty of bands I do like and that’s one of the reasons why we have a good scene here – diversity. Bands from oxford dont tend to folow one particular sound or genre, you don’t get an “oxford sound” like other cities suchs as manchester, liverpool, sheffield etc.

  • JAY

    No in all fairness there probably is loads of good bands out there its just you wouldnt know reading certain local music papers, weve played with some really good bands in Oxford i just think its a shame the same 3 or 4 bands get all the headlines, bands that im sure are amazing at what they do but then again arnt the most relevent of bands either ….for example this weeks nme guide to uk’s citys music Oxford won the much fought over award of ‘Best Folk scene’ i dont know about you Colin but that dosent fill me with pride especially if we have such a great current exciting underground scene.

  • colin

    To Jay, I say- we review everything we receive, so everyone gets a platform. There are a small number of groups which can pack out medium-sized venues in the town, but I don’t think they’ve been unfairly boosted by Nightshift etc. Most of them have gained their reputation by hard work and talent. As for the folk scene, well done them, but it doesn’t diminish Oxford’s success rate in the indie/rock scene: Ride, Radiohead, Supergrass, Young Knives, Foals- it’s not such a bad hand is it?

  • JAY

    Ride? are you sure colin.

    but yea the Folas are awesome but didnt they cut there craft donig house partys?

    Look before you get all pissy and go tell Nightshift (as ive had an email from them basically calling us up on the ‘dont get me started on nightshift comment’ left on this site which by the way is the pettiest thing i have ever read seeing as they love to rip bands to bits yet get all sensitive about a nothing comment made on a forum)

    im not slagging Oxford id just like to see more of all these bands, anyway i dont know why im bothering i presume this is the Colin who wrote the Vixens ‘review’ …way to support your local bands Colin!

  • colin

    Why are you going out of your way to make everyone angry? You don’t like Stornoway, you don’t like the Oxford scene, you don’t like Nightshift, you don’t like Oxfordbands. What is this outpouring of spleen achieving?

  • JAY

    I have respect for stornaway all i said is ‘i dont get it’ (and thats only cus thers other local bands that id rather read about but never see them wrote abou) is that so bad, look im just standing by my point, if you read what im saying im not cussing anyone when i came to Oxford i loved Young Knives Foals ect (never Ride ill hold my hands up there) all i was saying is that i was shocked at the scene when i arrived if you ever hear me rip into a band on the strenght of a first demo please call me on it….it seems its only yourself who was offended by the comment anyway!

    anyway im done with you man.

  • Phill

    I just listened to your band – you sound like Dweeb!

  • Tony

    Oh look, Jay’s trying to make a name for himself as some kind of controversial local music revolutionary. But, oh no, his band are shit! What shall we do? Maybe teach him the rudiments of the English language? Might be a start. Or perhaps tell him to grow up? That could take years.

  • Hmm..

    The Secret Rivals – is this the finest that “Birmingham” can offer? Shit more like.

  • Imarealist

    Ive never mentioned my band these are my comments not my bands im not trying to make a name i just left a comment as was aked by the fecking site….i had no idea that the authors of the page would jump on anyone that acyually did if yous dont like my band then i take that as a compliment the last thing we need is the oxford folk crowd liking us (that would be a clear sign we were doing something really wrong)

  • Mike B Bad


    you guys are f’ing retarded youve totally twisted what Jay has said ive listened to SecretRivals and although they dont sound like your typical Oxford band so probably wont be liked by oxfords elitists they are twice as good as anything ive heard from most of the bands you love to promote……chill out people

  • Mike B Bad

    And Tony is being contreversial now a bad thing?

    At least this band has an opinion and is not scared to voice it!

    mon the Rivals.

  • JAY

    Dweeb were an awesome band!

  • A Punk

    SecretRivals are immense!!!

    and what is wrong with being contrevercial since when has that ever been a bad thing!?

  • Andrea

    I’ve got say, for a load of people who , I can only asume are adults and not either school children or 40 year old has beens, you lot are being extremely sensitive about someone having a different opinion…
    Tony, you are just showing the kind of elitist and narrow minded aproach to music and musical opinions that the Oxford music scene gets in other parts of the country.
    I also dont get Stornorway…Oops! Did I say that out loud? Good geavens I hope Colin or Tony didnt hear me…You know, with it being an opinion and stuff…
    Im not saying their shit either or that Oxford is shit(before Colin tries to twist what I’m saying)
    I thought this was a place to come and discuss music and give your opinions, but it’s obviously Colins page to come and live the dream of actually being involved in the music scene, ans for Tony to criticise someone for saying his not keen on a band, and then at the same time say that another band is shit…I think that’s called hipocrisy Tony.
    So in conclusion we have an old has been, a hypocrite and someone with an opinion…I know with who I’d rather talk to about music!
    By the way Imarealist, that’s the best swearword I’ve heard!

  • Andrea

    Just so people get it right, it’s Secret Rivals, not The Secret Rivals from Birmingham…
    Secret Rivals are amazing!

  • Imarealist

    Thanx Andrea i like to keep my swearing fresh! haha

  • jay

    whoa there Hmm were not even that band, listen i dont want to be responsible for random Brummie bands that i dont even know havintg there name dragged through the mud by random non musicians…

    lets get back to disscussing songs about Fish shall we…..

  • Imarealist

    to Hmmm Jay is not even in The Secret Rivals you bell end there from Birmingham!!!
    your now just cussing bands that are not even from your town….jesus wept!

  • Tony

    The strange thing is, all these different people posting about how great Secret Rivals are, or slagging Colin, have EXACTLY the same lack of punctuation. I’m not saying people’s points aren’t valid if their grammar isn’t all that, but for all of them to have EXACTLY the same grammatical failings can only mean that either a) they’re all the same person, or b) they’re all from the same inbred family. Either way, the hysterical resp0nses are hilarious.

  • notasheep

    Nice one Tony… ‘I’m not saying people’s points aren’t valid if their grammar isn’t all that, ‘…all that WHAT ???…deary me..what a grammatical faux pas!!!!.. mater & pater would stop your allowance if they saw how you’ve wasted that expensive private schooling !

    What a pompous, sanctimonious prig you must be a blast at parties !!

    I prefer ‘hysterical responses’..if nothing else it shows commitment and belief.,,,feelings that would evidently be alien to a trendy ‘sheep’ like yourself.

  • colinmackinnon

    OK people, we’ve probably heard enough on this now. Unless the post is specifically concerned with Stornoway from now on it’ll be deleted.