Quick interview #4: From Here We Run!

 Another recent Punt outfit, From Here We Run! describe themselves as ‘a band of four teenagers, brought together for no particular reason, with no real shared love of anything (at the time)’. Following the fine lineage of  other Oxford bands like Foxes!, they display their exuberance with a fine use of the exclamation mark.

1.What do you think you sound like?

Debbie Harry attempting to front a pedestrian version of Owls.

2. What do you do when you’re not making music?

At the moment, revise mostly.

3. Recommend us a good band or album and tell us what’s good about it.

Sweep The Leg Johnny – Going Down Swingin’. A favourite album, pretty much blew my mind as it sounds like nothing I’d ever heard before. It rocks hard. I’m trying to get Chris, our guitarist, to love it as much as me.

4. Where did you get your band name from?

Prison slang.

5. What do you like and dislike about Oxford and its music?

Like: How diverse and original its output is. The fact that lots of promoters and publications take a chance on us despite our age.

Dislike: The rapidly declining amount of venues and that there are NO independent record stores anymore :(