The second OxfordBands football tournament and Junkie Brush are teaming up once again to organise an inter-band 5-a-side football tournament to raise money for Audioscope.

Bands wishing to enter should contact stuart AT with their 6-man squad, which must include at least 3 members of Oxfordshire-based bands. Deadline for entry is the 31st July, with the tournament to be held on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd August. More news as it comes about the competition.

  • jamess

    marvelloush – now, where did i put my bike boots? you know – the ones with the spikes….

  • johnnymoto

    whats the photo drukenstein takes out headcount,or vice versa?

  • jamess

    we’ve got the edge (no, not jober) on headcount – we’re almost swift and can run away from them. However, they’ll win, because all it would take is one of them to stand in goal, and no-one scores!

  • Mark

    Ohhhh why did you have to arrange it for that weekend!!???

  • Big Tim

    Because it’s the least intrusive in terms of festivals etc!

    Just cancel your holiday or whatever… :)

  • Kev

    Sorry guys. I cant make it. My band “KEVIN” is playing transformation on the 22nd.

  • Mark

    That would be the easy thing to do, though agreed it’s probably the ideal weekend in terms of festival avoidance…DAMN!!

  • phill

    Is there any news on this? It’s only 2 weeks away and so far no-one has heard anything.

  • Big Tim

    Sorry Phill, we’ve had some problems getting a venue and we’re a bit shy of teams as well.

    We’re still working it out, but we reckon we might just have to have a kick-about on Marsh Fields opposite the old Exeter Hall.

    We’ll put something up ASAP.

  • thin green fred.

    TIM , Message Alcopop and BSM records I know they play and have teams, Could proberly rope a few bands in. both are Oxford based

  • johnny moto

    i can bring my jumper as a goalpost if you like.
    we were so poor when we were kids we only had a tennis ball to play footy with.

    whose gonna be shirts and whose gonna be skins….lol

  • Grill

    Or you could reschedule so we can play too – just shotgun the mini pitch on meadow lane?

  • Big Tim

    Folks, we’re really sorry but we’ve had to cancel this year’s tournament. I’m afraid we simply didn’t get enough numbers to put together a worthwhile afternoon of footy.

    We’re still hoping to put together one next year for World Cup year.

    Cheers, and sorry again,

    Tim, Stuart & Simon

  • jamess

    no worries – i can use the time to develop a forged titanium leg to give you the kicking you deserve.