The Gullivers: Legerdemain

It’s a bit of an tradition that any EP by local post-punks The Gullivers is reviewed by my colleague David Murphy, but it’s one of the vanishingly few perks of co-editing this site that I can nab some of the tastier morsels while leaving my fellow writers with the table-leavings. For example, no way was I going to listen to the noisome Ibiza stylings of Joz and DJ Marcus, still less review it! Sorry, Dave.

That said, I’ve been agnostic about the Gullivers for years now, largely due to their vocalist Mark Byrne, who depending on who you talk to, is either a new Mark E Smith, or a talented guitarist who is singing faux de mieux. There’s a bit of a consensus that their gradual embrace of minimalism is allowing Byrne’s limited vocal gifts to be heard to advantage, if the rave reviews of their previous ‘Ambulance’ EP are anything to by.

However, all bets are now off, as they have added an extremely good female vocalist to the mix. Take a bow, Sophie McGrath. Not only does she provide soulful, elfin vocals almost in the style of Bjork at her tenderest (and sometimes even fellow Icelander Jon Thor Birgisson!), but contributes attractive piano and synth figures to the band’s instrumental world. Her presence seems also to have contributed towards the ever-improving song writing, as this four-song EP contains more than one classic.

The Sigur Ros influence is immediately apparent on the lovely opener ‘A Wall Against the Noise’. Against a lush mixture of hushed, minimal drums, organ chords and synthetic strings, Byrne gives a splendid performance, every inch the burnt out case, a sadder-and-wiser sensualist and near-defeated romantic.

“As we intertwine, you only come up for air

Fasten yourself, a stone wall against the noise”

McGrath’s ghostly soprano cooing, beyond meaning and melody, is unspeakably beautiful.

Vocal duties are shared more equally on the excellent ‘Milieus’, which combines light intertwining piano and guitar figures with a gruff Interpol bassline to pleasing effect. The middle section is notable for the almost bluesy vocal duetting- what is Sophie doing to these erstwhile punk kids? Actually, the combination of the two vocals in harmony is the weakest part of the record, as McGrath is so obviously the ‘better’ singer- I prefer the pair when they keep their distance from each other.

Another high point on what is an excellent record must be ‘Letters’, which features McGrath’s only solo vocal slot. The lyric (a jaunty but forlorn riff on a stalled romance), is clumsily clever, especially the punning “You Pen Me In the Margins”, and the singing, vulnerable but proud, is a delight. Byrne’s intelligently building guitar part deserves almost equal praise. In addition, the tune is by far the most accessible thing the band has ever come up with. Have the Gullivers written a Top Forty hit? If the world is fair, there’s no doubt.

The story of The Gullivers is one of a band who have kept it together for a few years and are now reaping the rewards for camaraderie and confidence in each other’s abilities, as well as an openness to new ideas (and indeed, voices). From starting out as a (let’s face it) pretty mediocre punk act, they have acquired poise, sophistication, discipline and depth. Another Oxford success story, at least artistically. Let’s hope they sell shed-loads.

The Gullivers Myspace

  • ze rivals

    Well played lads, if im being brutaly honest i do much prefere 3 piece Gullivers, still think these are easily one of the top 3 bands Oxford has to offer.

    Its good to see them getting the reviews they deserve.

    One of Oxfords REAL supergroups…pay attention.

  • Jay of ze rivals

    Of course thats just my 2 cents…(note to self, stop posting as band)

  • Big Tim

    I remember an early review when they got described as a pop version of Junkie Brush, so it sounds like quite a departure for them. Always good to hear a band develop their sound and find their feet, and as you say Colin, that only only comes with time.

    I’ll give the new stuff a listen, but I totally agree with the review that for me the Gullivers were always a band with brilliant musical ideas which were irreversably scuppered the moment the singer opened his mouth. Truly one of the worst and most annoying sounds created in Oxfordshire over the last few years. If they’ve managed to revamp themselves to accommodate/alleviate that problem, then I’ll be happy to give them another listen.

  • Meanie

    ive got to be honest i much preffered their last ep- this sounds pop and lacking somehow… live they are still excellent but this doesnt seem to transfer here. i also thinkt he keys sounds v. plain.

    love the band tho just not these recordings.

  • Fizzywig

    Ze Rivals – I’m not sure you understand the real concept of a “supergroup”.

  • Jay of ze rivals

    i know i thought i did until i came to Oxford haha.

    dosent it just mean ‘knocking about for about 30 years with a strangle hold over all open forums’?

    ooh yea i just went there.

    Again twas a mistake to post under Ze… (The Gulls are a band that splits opinion and that dont stop within my band)

  • brain

    this review is a bit of a shocker. maybe i dont understand the music. but i honestly believe oxfords just shat out one of the worse bands in history. this band sink almost as low as secret rivals. im embarrassed for oxford

  • ze rivals

    Dont worry Rivals are not a product of Oxford (nor are we by any means an Oxford band per say) so spare your blushes gramps.

  • Yawn

    It baffles me why the haters even bother.

    No one reads these forums bar bands and promoters anyway thers no fans to be won or lost on these sites so if you hate a band (or are upset by the attention they get which is whats usually going on i suspect) the best thing to do is not to leave any comments (that will upset the band a lot more than 44 posts of ‘there great’ ‘no there not there shit’)

    ‘It dont matter what is written about us, as long as they do still write about us’ Noel G

    You see even that manc bafoon can see this.

  • Joe

    “No one reads these forums bar bands and promoters anyway ”

    That’s not true at all and this isn’t a forum anyway. It’s impossible to tell whether the requests for these pages are from bands or not but I know for a fact that there are people who read this site and Nightshift who are neither musicians nor promoters.

    Also this site and Nightshift are picked up by people searching Google for things like “Oxford bands”.

    Just to be patronising to the ‘children’ here:

    Welcome to the internet and the 21st Century. Say hello to the world everyone:



  • colinmackinnon

    Actually Joe, you’ve brought an issue up here- is there any way of counting the hits a website gets? This site doesn’t have a hit counter, but it would be nice to know how many visits we get per day/week. You’re good at computers- how would you find this out?

  • Yawn

    Yea but only complete head the balls like yourself actually search band members haha.

    What im satying is thers no cred on these sites the same bloke who posted about how rubbish Gulls were has posted similar things about EVERY band under the age of 25 in Oxford…Scholars, Scarletts, Dial F, Rivals, Gulls, i could go on and on..

    Everyone knows that thers one prick who has about 15 different names and just comes here to upset young bands (hes either a bit ‘joe’ or he’s just really bitter about how old and unsucessful he is.

    Thers a site like this for every town its just a shame that Oxfords ones have been taken over by the likes of Kev ect: someone said they were embarressed for Oxford, well they should be go on the Reading forums for example and see how encouraging and youthful the scene is then read the comments on this site again…Oxford seems bitter, ellitist and old (and it refuses to move over and give any young band who may change this ant time of day)

    tut tut you should all be ashamed! x

  • Big Tim

    @ Colin (#11) – Absolutely. The site may not have a hit counter displayed on the page, but I can guaranteee you that Stuart/Simon/whoever manages the web hosting side of the site either gets or has access to a myriad of web stats regarding the traffic of the site, provided to them by the hosting company.

    Even the hosting for my own meagre site lets me see the number of page hits, the number of file hits, what pages they were accessing, where they came from in the world, how they arrived at the page (ddirectly, through a search engine, by a link from another site etc), what browser they use, what search terms they used, what files they downloaded, how much total data has been downloaded, etc etc.

    The real problem is not getting them, but making the time to review and make sense of them! But it is a matter of a few simple lines of web code to add a page hit counter.

  • Joe

    Yes – it’s actually quite simple. You can get your hosting provider to provide you with web stats. They will either provide you with a standard report which will give you stats on hits for specific pages, Google searches which resulted in a hit for a page on this site and a lot more. Either that or they can provide you with a delimited text file with all the raw data in it which is generated straight from the server and gives data relating to activity for your site but you will need an application that can do something meaningful with the data in order to produce your own reports.

  • Joe

    Oh hang on though – this isn’t a stand alone site is it? It’s part of some blogging site is that correct? If so then it becomes a little more difficult unless the site owners provide the service but it’s still possible to get the information you require.

  • Yawn

    and by signing off as gramps Joe youve kind of just admitted to being ‘brain’ …oops lol.

  • colinmackinnon

    Thanks Joe and Tim,

    looks like I’d need to talk to Cotswold media. A formidable task given how elusive Bryan and co are! But thanks anyway.

    As for Mr Yawn, I too get mildly annoyed with ‘Kev’ and ‘Brain’ posting obnoxious rubbish after every review- but we’re talking about one or two sentences- they’re hardly taking over! And don’t get too Joe-centric about everything. he’s nowt to do with it!

    But I like the phrase ‘Head the ball’ tho in Glasgow we say “Heid the ba'”

  • Joe

    Yeah what Big Tim said.

    “Yea but only complete head the balls like yourself actually search band members haha”

    Your employer must be a ‘head the balls’ like me then. Which is comforting to know.

    Also employers looking to employ a person often use Google to dig up dirt on a prospective employer these days, it’s becoming more common. Just as well you are a faceless nobody in that case because no employer is going to search for a faceless nobody are they.

  • Joe

    I have to crawl back into my hole now as heading all these balls makes my head hurt and want to head more balls which will make my head hurt and make me want to… oh nevermind! Pass the copydex on the left hand side somebody please. Ew… lovely.

  • colinmackinnon

    Also, Mr Yawn, this site has been pretty friendly towards Secret Rivals, Scholars and Gullivers etc.. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by a couple of sarky comments by anonymous posters at the end of the review.

    I didn’t even know there was a “ “Has anyone heard of it? I’ve heard of Josaka but I’m not clear they are still going. We certainly get plenty of submissions from Berks and Bucks-based bands.

  • Joe

    One more thing, sorry:

    “Ive just typed Joe Chapman into google” – the wrong way to be

    ““Yea but only complete head the balls like yourself actually search band members haha” – Yawn

    Guess that proves your point in that case!

  • Yawn

    Hey no complaints on the reviewers at all im glad to see Gullivers getting a good review i think there a cool band.

    Just a little bit fed up of the bile under every review and then the few bands that do bite back getting a hard time for it.

    Not sure if thers a Readingbands but Josaka is a very nice forum (with a lot of people really singing the praises of The Rivals funnily enough….its a real eye opener on what a difference 20 odd miles make)

    Im going home now so do enjoy your slug fest xx

  • Big Tim

    @ Yawn (post 12)

    I disagree strongly that Oxford is ageist. Oxford IS a bit elitist, but when you look at the calibre of bands that have come out of Oxford in the past it’s not surprising. It’s a small town that produced some huge stars – standards are high.

    It’s a big leap going from being a school/college/uni band with a great following amongst your peers, to being a jobbing band on a thriving music scene made up of established bands all vying for a chunk of a dwindling general public’s attention. Trust me, it might have 12 years ago, but I’ve been there and done it myself, and so have most of the other people here. For the last few years you’ve been playing to decent crowds of your school/college/uni mates in a closed environment, you’ve got notoriety and fame in your school/college/uni, and then you find yourself onstage at a deserted venue on a Tuesday night because no-one’s heard of you. Your grand following of school/college/uni friends dwindles in time as they move off to do their own things, and you replace them with local followers who’ve seen you at gigs. The changeover is slooow unless you’re truly fantastic. The early days of being a publically known and performing band tend to be painful, fruitless, demoralising and have a poor return on investment.

    So you find that you’ve gone from unconditional love, support and fame amongst your peers to having to battle and really perform for every plaudit. And if you’re really not that great a band, you’ll soon find that the mates who supported you did so because they’re your mates, and they’re replaced by… no-one. Because you’re not very good and you can’t win fans in the real world.

    On the flip side, if you really are a good band, then a buzz will build quickly, you can make friends and fans on the scene and work your way up.

    There is absolutely no reason why a young band can’t be good and gain recognition in Oxford, and it happens all the time that they do. There’s no ageist conspiracy, even if a lot of the incumbant bands are a little older. I must say I think that the fact that many of Oxfords better known local bands are made up of a lot of 30+’s is a really good thing. It proves you don’t have to be 18 and be handsome or have tits to get recognition.

    There’s also the fact that very young bands (and I’m talking sub-20’s here) are often very unsure of themselves, have little real playing experience and are often, hate to say it, just not very good at their trade (as in, not very good at songwriting, playing their instruments, stagecraft etc). As you get older these things tend to improve and the calibre of your band improves. Nothing wrong with the exuberence of youth, but people often mistake the exuberence of youth with actual talent and skill. So many bands in Oxford are made up of people who were in OK-ish bands back when they were younger, but are now in brilliant bands because they’ve been able to hone their craft, team up with better and more appropriate people and really find their feet.

  • Joe

    Excellent, well balanced post there Big Tim. Nice one.

    A quick search on the ‘Head the balls’ search engine confirms that there is no

    The domain name is available though if anyone wants to start one.


    Demis Roussos.

  • phill

    Tim: “I think that the fact that many of Oxfords better known local bands are made up of a lot of 30+’s is a really good thing. It proves you don’t have to be 18 and be handsome or have tits to get recognition.”

    I’d rather be 18, handsome and have tits than be in a “better known” band any day!

  • Big Tim

    I’d be in a band with you any day if you had tits Phill.

  • Joe

    You like blokes with tits, you weirdo!

    Oh dear, this has all gone a bit (Lady) Ga Ga.

  • Fizzywig

    Why is it only Rivals bloke (Jay?) who has such a hang up about peoples ages? Rest of us don;t care if a band is 15 or 50 except you so why keep making such a big issue of it? Oxford is hardly prejudice against “young” bands – just rubbish bands.

  • Grill

    Hah, Jesus it’s all going off on here again I see, glad you liked it Colin, out on 7th September if anyone wants to get their digital mitts on it.

  • jamess

    ….not that long ago: – Phil Fryer bounds on stage to kick gig off


    narp – it’s about attitude, not age. Some of us here are senile delinquents, yer know….

  • Yawn

    Just to state for record (then i promise you can have your forum back) i never said nor suggested Oxford was ageist i simply pointed out that the readership of these sites can come across that way (thus the ongoing slagging of any band by certain readers) and as i suspect the posters on all these sites are ox bands then it COULD come across that the ‘ox scene ‘ is a little on the harsh side (and very anti those who encourage …things tend to really kick off after someone has said summit very nice about a band…this is the person who is shouted out not the haters who seem to be tolerated)…that is all

    like others i imagine i judge a site on its readership (i love the reviews on the sites and ns has Shadoaw on its cover so no one could say the scen is ageist now can they).

    zat iz all.
    enjoy your dick and fart gags

    adults? i see no evidence of this at all.

  • colinmackinnon

    Well, when we complain about immature kids moaning about their reviews on this site, we now have to admit they are in good company. This was posted below Caleb Crane’s New York Times Book Review of Alain de Botton’s ‘Pleasures of Work’. What a wanker!

    Caleb, you make it sound on your blog that your review is somehow a sane and fair assessment. In my eyes, and all those who have read it with anything like impartiality, it is a review driven by an almost manic desire to bad-mouth and perversely depreciate anything of value. The accusations you level at me are simply extraordinary. I genuinely hope that you will find yourself on the receiving end of such a daft review some time very soon – so that you can grow up and start to take some responsibility for your work as a reviewer. You have now killed my book in the United States, nothing short of that. So that’s two years of work down the drain in one miserable 900 word review. You present yourself as ‘nice’ in this blog (so much talk about your boyfriend, the dog etc). It’s only fair for your readers (nice people like Joe Linker and trusting souls like PAB) to get a whiff that the truth may be more complex. I will hate you till the day I die and wish you nothing but ill will in every career move you make. I will be watching with interest and schadenfreude.

    Posted by: Alain de Botton | Monday, 29 June 2009 at 01:52 PM

  • Beaver Fuel

    Who does that remind me of…?

    **** ***** of *** ***** perhaps.

  • Joe

    I prefer to judge a site on it’s content rather than it’s readership. Or alternatively, whether it makes me a bacon sandwich or not.

  • colinmackinnon

    Yeah, you’re right Joe. Even sober sites like The Guardian and The Times get their fair share of crazies posting insane crap at the bottom of the articles. Fortunately, our site doesn’t get too many of them.

  • Big Tim

    > Fortunately, our site doesn’t get too many of them.

    Or if you do, you generally know who they are and what band they’re in!

  • Mark

    Legerdemain is out TODAY, available from iTunes, or you can hit us up if you want one of the limited edition hard copies. Or drop into Video Syncratic on Cowley Rd.