Dial F for Frankenstein / Ace Bushy Striptease / Secret Rivals @ The Wheatsheaf, Oxford, 26/03/2010

I’ve tried, Lord knows, I’ve tried to get past Secret Rivals‘ internet obnoxiousness, their appalling reputation on the local scene and their own boasts of playing unlistenable gigs while inebriated, and have tried to locate something worthwhile in their music, an unremarkable brew of shouty punk pop, but enough is enough. Secret Rivals are a disgrace and an embarrassment and the sooner they break up and cease wasting their time and ours with their puerile tantrums the better for all concerned.

Last night was a nadir, in a career of nadirs. The opening number was nervously but competently played before the guitarist took his guitar off and threw it on the ground, complaining about the lead. Five minutes of messing about (shouldn’t it be thirty seconds?) led to a new complaint. It was out of tune! Sorry, but if you treat your instrument as if it came free with last week’s TV Quick then stop complaining when it sounds like a choir of strangled cats when you pick it up again. Then the bass drum pedal broke, to be replaced by that of Ace Bushy Striptease, the replacement being received without a word of thanks so far as I could make out. A couple more forgettable tunes followed and the guitarist stopped again, threw both his guitars off the stage and then swiftly followed it, leaving his three bandmates behind, gaping like landed haddocks.

Everyone has an off-night, but it was the contempt for the promoters (Three Blind Mice, who’s Midas touch seems to have temporarily deserted them), the soundman who had to protect his equipment from the guitarist’s carelessness bordering on vandalism, and of course the ten-strong audience who had paid to see this pathetic performance which threw me into a rage. Who are these people? Why do they strut around with such a sense of unearned entitlement? The four of them should be shackled in chains and made to pick potatoes in East Anglia for a twelvemonth to teach them a work ethic.

Another heap of dross followed in the form of the talentless indie trio Ace Bushy Striptease. Many of the songs were little more than thirty-second thrashes, over which someone or other drawled or squeaked tunelessly. Random bods were pulled from the audience to contribute a bit of guitar to the odd number, gave negligible performances and were then summarily dispatched. The grinding pointlessness of it all became oppressive, the songs structureless, bland and ineptly performed, most of them disintegrating forlornly at random moments. The only memorable thing about the gig was the speaking voice of what must be the campest bassist in England (and I’ve seen Barbare11a!), a tiny little squeak that made Alan Carr sound like Mr T. Get off the stage, you crazy fools.

The Skins Effect did not result in a full house for Dial F for Frankenstein, but the audience swelled from the deservedly dead to the respectfully respectable, and the band proceeded to give a painful lesson to the previous bands in the arts of performance, composition, singing and structure. They generally perform powerful, focussed rock rather in the Biffy Clyro/ Foo Fighters mould, though their best-known song ‘Wes Vega’ is a little lighter in style, with a touch of The Strokes and even Blur’s ‘Song Two’ in the catchy, melodic hoots in the chorus. They too had their technical troubles at one point, but instead of acting like snivelling six-year-olds, the band launched into an entertaining two minute jam while the guitarist made his fixes, before plunging into the next song with a cheery ‘And we’re Back!’. Class act.

Dial F for Frankenstein Myspace

Ace Bushy Striptease Myspace

Secret Rivals Myspace

  • thin green fred.

    Ace Bushy Striptease so a bit intresting on myspace, do you think it was just a bad night for them and that they could be better?

  • http://myspace.com/secretrivalsband Andrew (rivals)

    Shackled in chains and taught a work ethic? Am I on the Daily Mail site by accident?

    Not going to try to make excuses for our ‘performance’, just say that after about 4.5 songs all Jamie’s guitar equipment had completely failed and we could’t really continue. I spoke to Grill and Joal post gig and I think they know that we were gutted not to be able to play more. Don’t think we’ll call it a day just yet though, knowing we bring so much happiness in to your world really spurs me on.

    Can’t agree with you on Ace Bushy, yeah they were a bit scappy but they had some quality songs and were really entertaining to watch. My band of the night, hope they come back to Oxford soon.

    Yours, gaping like a landed haddock


  • thin green fred.

    sound a bit intresting no so a bit

  • Alex L

    Aah the good old Mackinnon savagery is back…I thought you’d gone soft on us Colin!

  • Ash

    secret rivals are the work ethic. i was front row, it was a beautiful thing. best thing out of oxford since boris johnson.. big love for secret rivals and their highley entertaining drunken onstage japes, may they continue for many years :). oh, and ace bushy striptease, really good as it goes.

  • jay rival

    wow cant believe you didnt dig Bushy (if your reading chaps ‘it dont matter what they say we love you anyway’ please dont be put off this excellent band if you dig Johny Foreigner et al youll love them,

    This review is not strictly accurate either we did 25 mins onstage (as apposed to the sched 30) i threw my guitar after it had failed me we did skip the last 3 songs of the set and that sucked but shiz happens.

    This is an entertaining review Colin i only wish youd left out the homophobic remarks it kinda devalues your opinion (and is a tad irrelevant)

    hope the Halycons never recieve such a hateful review (i REALLY do Colin thats not sarcasim at all)

    much love
    jay ‘chain gang’ rival

    next stop Oxfringe main support on Saturday.

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  • Simon Bushy Striptease

    Wow! Way to be a dickhead about not liking a show Oxford Bands!

  • Big Tim

    Jay – if you’re offended by a remark about a bass player being camp then you’re in the wrong business. There’s nothing homophobic about Colin’s remark, it’s merely an observation.

    Congratulations on maintaining your own reputation for idiocy.

  • Clouds “ate my baby” Rival

    LOL…Oh Colin, sit down dear and have a cup of tea, you will give yourself a stroke! That is by far the funniest review ever (I could almost see that vein in Colin’s forehead bursting!), and it’s given us some hilarious quotes…

    First of all, I’m going to correct a few things:

    “…the guitarist took his guitar off and threw it on the ground, complaining about the lead. Five minutes of messing about (shouldn’t it be thirty seconds?) led to a new complaint. It was out of tune!” Not what happened, is it Colin? Our guitarist complained about the lead cutting off, then tried another lead, which also didn’t work, THEN threw his guitar on the floor, after which he proceeded to get his OTHER guitar, which was the one out of tune.

    “…bass drum pedal broke, to be replaced by that of Ace Bushy Striptease, the replacement being received without a word of thanks so far as I could make out.” Clearly you couldn’t make out what was happening as he DID thank the other band for their bass pedal (May I suggest a trip to Specsavers?). Our drummer will be shortly sending a Thank You card and a lovely tin of shortbread…

    “…the guitarist stopped again, threw both his guitars off the stage and then swiftly followed it, leaving his three bandmates behind, gaping like landed haddocks.” Again, this is incorrect. Our guitarist had problems with the second guitar (which kept cutting off), after which he threw it on the floor, as we couldn’t fix it. He went off stage, but so did we. And I resent being called a fish, specially a haddock. If anything, I would be a trout.

    “…the soundman…had to protect his equipment from the guitarist’s carelessness bordering on vandalism…” The soundman went to the stage to help our guitarist with the technical issues, and the only equipment that was “vandalized” was our guitarists own guitars.

    And just one other thing that’s on my mind:

    “…the speaking voice of what must be the campest bassist in England…a tiny little squeak that made Alan Carr sound like Mr T. Get off the stage, you crazy fools.” Ace Bushy Striptease is a really good band, actually. And I struggle to see how the fact that their bass player is camp is of any importance, or merits them having to get off the stage. If you have issues with campness, may I suggest some soul searching? Or at least develop some tolerance to men that don’t growl or have a deep voice, sport beards and talk about breasts. If Ace Bushy Striptease are reading this “it doesn’t matter what they say, we love you anyway”.

    Funny how we’ve only had bad, almost brutal, reviews from Oxfordbands and certain music publication in Oxford…

    Oh, before I forget, our EP “What fists are for” available to buy on Itunes and Amazon: Amazon. Just follow the links! Dirt cheap and noire for


    Here are some reviews for the EP (None attacking us as people!):


    http://www.the-mag.me.uk/Music/Articles … s-Are-For/

    http://russellsmusicreviews.blogspot.co … e-for.html

  • Neil Yung

    “Danceable, tune-laden punk… their undisciplined yet committed style brought back memories of the Pixies’ ‘Bone Machine’ with Black Francis and Kim Deal stumbling boozily over each other’s lines”

    Sounds like you thought you located something worthwhile in their music quite a while ago Colin, any reason behind this revisionism?

  • colinmackinnon

    First thing first, Neil, loved ‘After the Goldrush’!

    I stand by my favourable review of SR from months ago and the less favourable one from last week. Let me put it in context. I don’t live in Oxford, so it costs me 8-10 quid in petrol/parking before I even hand over my cover charge (I always pay to get into gigs). Then to see a band so obviously unprepared,so uninterested in putting on a decent show, so weirdly temperamental, and knowing from talking to other promoters and writers that this is nothing out of the ordinary- can you blame me for being angry?

  • Neil Yung

    It wasn’t your objection to their less than professional attitude I was taking issue with, just the fact that your Winter Warmer review of them was pretty much full of praise e.g. “The best thing about the band is that the energy levels remained high throughout the set, and while far from sophisticated, they are more than just noise merchants- there are some simple but effective melodies in amongst the racket”. Yet now you are not just slating them as people but slating their music as well. May seem to an outsider that you are just jumping on the Secret Rivals hating bandwagon…either that or they greased your palm for previous favourable reviews…


    keep on rockin in the free world

  • jay rival

    Wow we really do attract mad heat dont we.

    can we leave it at that folks Colin is entitle to his opinion, maybe hes had a run in with a rival (not me) i dont know were th backlash comes from i really dont (maybe were in cahoots with the local press to blow us up to legendary status or maybe they resent the fact we get good press outside of oxford yet have a rep for being outspoken i dunno (personally i have ceased in engaiging with the local circuit scene as it all got a bit ridic a few months back so i decided not to bother anymore …At the end of the day were a punk band live (on cd id say we were more indie pop than anything else) and punk alienates people, look at the Thursday night Inlight reviews on Daily Info and BSE ect…they all say pretty much the same thing ‘what secret rivals will do is piss people off people who cant remember the musical favour punk dealt them in the 70’s’ ‘half the room bounced half ran to the bar to avoid the hurricane’
    i dont mind (hey id rather be memorably loathed than have the local rags nod in approval yet be about as edgey as a circle (thats not a diss at Dial F, Inlight or any other of your bands either) if you dont like us as people then thats fine but maybe next time have a chat with one of us before writting such a descructive piece?

    we only play Oxford when we are asked to or we are putting a gig on oursleves (cus we want to introduce some bands to Oxford who we think should be heard) we dont seek out approval or gigs we play cus we love what we do and we believe in what we do (i dont expect the readers or writters of Oxbands to like us and thats cool im sure Colin loaths the bands i adore and vice versa.

    it was Dial Fs gig not ours and apparently they did really well

    i dont want to add to the negativity any longer

    peace love and kisses x

    (cheers Ash by the way if 1 of my songs means something to just 1 person then im honestly happy)

    thanks for the review Colin gutted you didnt enjoy your evening.

  • Mark

    …I really should have been at this gig as it sounds like I missed yet another entertaining Three Blind Mice night?(BITTER)

    Next stop for the steam train:

    Friday 30th April- Alphastate + Elrics + The Anydays + Dead Jerichos

    £3 as ever for YET more entertainment, just ask Colin!!!

  • http://www.daisyrodgers.com Daisy Rodgers

    I wasn’t at this gig so can’t really comment on this one, but the Rivals played a v good set at the jericho last thursday. I don’t normally like noisy bands, and i think they are the noisest to play a Daisy Rodgers night but i thought they were great. I’m not sure if it was brave/stupid to put them on a bill with a band like Inlight but I thought they were both great in their different ways. Not everyone agreed, but hey that’s music. The Rivals new EP is totally fab. Their live performance is entertaining, an ickle bit more singing rather than shouting would be better for moi, but hey! Their set even made me forget that they played while i was trying to introduce them!!!

  • Grill

    God it’s all kicked off here hasn’t it?! Good point Mark that does look like an excellent lineup next month, sorry ANOTHER excellent line up – it all goes off when you’re not there!
    For what it’s worth I really enjoyed the whole night and although we didnt absolutely cram the punters in like January the figures were entirely respectable. A note on Secret Rivals and the equipment meltdown – as someone who plays regularly in town I always feel mortified for bands when these kind of technical issues arise, the band who I have always found to be some of the pleasanter people I’ve met while running 3BM were incredibly apologetic and seemed genuinely frustrated about not being able to finish their set, the above verged on kicking someone when they’re down and their guitar doesn’t work.
    Ace Bushy were for me great. They did exactly what I hoped they would when i booked them. They divided opinion in the room on the night and I just thought they were immensely good fun. And I also felt the comments regarding Simon’s voice were somewhat irrelevant and seemed to serve no relevant point other than to humiliate a band you didn’t enjoy. And Dial F – Without damning them with faint praise they are one of the most reliably quality bands in the city.

    I’m sure you’ll be back Colin anyway but it may be an idea to have a wee listen on myspace first as didnt think this night would be your thing really.

  • thin green fred.

    “I’m sure you’ll be back Colin anyway but it may be an idea to have a wee listen on myspace first as didnt think this night would be your thing really.”
    No point reviewing only things you like is there? Colin would be accused of.. well.. only reviewing bands he likes!
    Thanks to this review I am now realy interested in seeing SR live (might have to hide at back), Shame i will be away for the Oxfrings gig as SHOTP are ace and would be worth the cost, This review also got me to check out Ace Bushy who i think sound interesting and I will try and catch live next time they play Oxford

  • Gib

    ‘i have ceased in engaiging with the local circuit scene as it all got a bit ridic a few months back so i decided not to bother anymore’

    If you continue as you are you will pull the rest of your band down with you, suck the life out of it and then blame everyone else but yourself.

    You are stumbling through life like a toddler who has just learned to walk in his Dad’s oversized shoes, with your eyes closed, flailing your arms about and shouting a lot about nothing. Get over yourself and stop blaming everyone else for your own stupidity.

  • Clouds “ate my baby” Rival

    “If you continue as you are you will pull the rest of your band down with you, suck the life out of it and then blame everyone else but yourself.
    You are stumbling through life like a toddler who has just learned to walk in his Dad’s oversized shoes, with your eyes closed, flailing your arms about and shouting a lot about nothing. Get over yourself and stop blaming everyone else for your own stupidity.”

    The band are completely ok with his “behaviour”…And he isn’t the only one in the band to have and voice opinions(when did that become a crime?).
    Todlers may not be refined and they are not completely developed, but they go they go through life without pretention, agendas and enjoying every minute! If that makes him and us a bunch of (potato picking) todlers, then Rivals 1- Haters 0

    Keep talking about us anyway, we love to be the most talked about band at the moment!

    Oh and by the way, do you know Jay or are you just judging his personality on the back off a gig performance and internet banter?. If you want to make an informed opinion, chat with him!

    Jay is an amazing person.All of the Rivals love him to death(otherwise we wouldn’t be in a band together).

    Rivals remain a hot topic…Cheers stranger!

  • colinmackinnon

    OK, I removed Gib’s reply to this, as it was over the top and borderline libellous. Stay legal, people!

  • Simon Bushy Striptease

    Colin I’m still pissed off with you, I really don’t understand why you had to resort to personal attacks when describing our band. Sure if you didn’t like us then say, we’ve no problems with getting a bad review but I don’t think we were deserving of some of the spiteful comments we got.

  • johnny moto

    was it oscar wilde?
    the only thing worse than being talked about,is not being talked about.
    remember its only one persons oppinion,
    the camp bit i didnt get, barberella arent camp especially not marko.
    imaginitive dress sense maybe.
    lets be honest at least its not a half arsed they all sounded great insincere revue.
    next time he sees you play i expect you will pull out all the stops to show him just want you can do.

  • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobsleigh Commander Deanna Troi

    What’s Camp? Campblackfoot? Camp David? Hu knows. What’s wrong with being described as camp? omg! it’s not ‘borderville libellous’ is it?!! Colin, yew are in trouble now, you’d better edit your review and make marko uncamp otherwise litigation will follow!!!!

  • http://myspace.com/prdctv Alex L

    Well I’m just going to come out and express the elephant in the cyber-room…this is actually quite fun isn’t it! You know you were thinking it…Anyway, good to see lots people on the site expressing opinions etc etc.
    I have to agree with Johnny, Colin’s is only one opinion (as valuable as it may be!) and you have to admire him at least for having the stones to write exactly what he thought…and it’s resulted in a good bit of exposure for Secret Rivals, which is never a bad thing as Johnny says. One thing I would say to S.R. though…while it’s good for you to be getting publicity, however negative, you’re running the risk that in time you might come out with a great song that no one pays any attention to, because the Secret Rivals online feuding/’reputation’ etc. gets to the point where it irrevocably overshadows your music. And even though the kind of stuff you play really isn’t my bag, it would be a shame if that happened. Bands like Oasis who get publicity for “crazy mental rock and roll antics” got to the position where that made a difference because of their music (although I have to admit I personally think Oasis are shite awful…), and I slightly get the impression that the music is starting to become an irrelevance to people when they think about Secret Rivals.
    Anyways, there’s some preaching for you! Keep up the banter, the headline on BBC News at the moment is “Aerial footage shows snow in Scotland” so I’m in need of something entertaining to read!

  • colinmackinnon

    Simon: I thought that the remark about your (your colleague’s?) speaking voice was harmless, but you’re obviously offended, so I apologise. For what it’s worth, I was once described in Nightshift magazine as having ‘the appearance of a camp bus driver’, which I found very funny.

    However, I stand by the rest of the review.

    Alex: I’m sure SR are tickled by all the kerfuffles and nonsense- but it doesn’t seem to be doing their fanbase size much good, as they played to ten people on a Friday, some of whom were members of the other bands. In the end,all the internet noise in the world doesn’t turn a bad band into a good one.

  • jay rival

    Secret RIvlas play Oxfordnge this Saturday!! (judged by non other than Ronan and Colin…yup i know its in the bag….Academy here we come! heh)

    come see for yourself folks i cant promise you a fight/contreversy or anything of thatnature but we will be aiming to turns Colins frown upside down and once again turn him into a fan

    (if we only get these dang shackles off intime)

    again thanks to all who have posted such nice comments about us we keep your names in a little book and rest assured you will all get big xmas cards and kisses x for the hater(s?)..well…whatever ennit.


  • Ronan

    News to me that I’m judging anything, seeing as I’m not even in Oxford this Saturday night.

  • colinmackinnon

    Sorry to disappoint, Jay, but I’m slated to go to the Branch Immersion gig at the Duke’s Cut on Good Friday!

    My advice: get your guitars tuned prior to going on stage, and complete the damn set even if someone drops a nuclear bomb on the place. And no, I’m not advocating anyone does that….

  • jay rival

    Gutted ”(

    ‘The acts at each gig are judged by a local music journalist (the panel includes Nightshift editor Ronan Munro, Oxfordbands.co.uk content editor Colin MacKinnon’

    presumed yous were judging each night?…oh well.

    Still should be a gooden folks Gunning For Tamar are feckin tasty so get down early for them!

  • colinmackinnon

    Look people, if you’re going to post, post under your own name. I’ve deleted the recent posts, as they are getting too annoying and bitchy.

    Um- does anyone want to agree with me about how good Dial F are?

  • Big Tim

    > Um- does anyone want to agree with me about how good Dial F are?

    Yes. They are very good.

  • jamess

    agreed -Dial F are good. The End.

  • johnny moto

    dial f good you say?

    ok i will agree as i dont want colin slateing my Daguerreotypes [look it up]

    camp bus driver? [good band name maybe?]
    we had bus drivers who took us to camp!!!

    ps dial f are very good

  • TJ

    If you want to see how good Dial F are they’re playing in the Battle of the Bands at Fat Lil’s in Witney this Sunday. First prize is a slot at Cornbury so go vote for them! Here’s the running order:

    Sunday 4th April from 7pm
    1, Dial F For Frankenstein
    2, Vision Fall
    3, As Seen On Radio
    4, Go Go Buffalo
    5, Midnight Drive
    6, The Keyz

  • not a bassist

    Yeah and the bassist is hot

  • Andy

    I saw Secret Rivals last night playing the Wheatsheaf again. First time I’ve seen them, didn’t know it was them until they came off stage. I liked them, and unlike what was reported here a couple of times when their instruments cut out they didn’t make a deal of it at all. They seemed pretty much sober to me – might that have been the difference to their “unlistenable gigs while inebriated”? If so, save getting pissed ’til after you’ve been on because a set like last night’s was great.

    I’ve no reason to doubt Colin’s review was accurate but don’t let it put you off giving Secret Rivals a go.

  • Tim Space Heroes

    Have to say I agree – I liked them fine. They reminded me of Bis in a good way.