Oxfringe presents…

Local fringe festival, Oxfringe continues with a series of April gigs in venues around the city, organised by Coo Promotions. The acts at each gig are judged by a local music journalist (the panel includes Nightshift editor Ronan Munro, Oxfordbands.co.uk content editor Colin MacKinnon and BBC Oxford Introducing’s Tim Bearder) with the three outstanding acts put through to the grand final at the Bullingdon Arms, on Sunday April 11, to be judged by the legendary Whispering Bob Harris. The series continues on Wednesday with a gig at The Wheatsheaf, featuring The Roundheels, Agents of Jane, Crayon and Mew&Wooster.

The full programme of events can be found at http://www.oxfringe.com/ , with the musical angle covered specifically at http://www.coopromotions.co.uk/ and tickets for all shows, including the grand final, can be purchased at http://www.wegottickets.com