Record Store Day in Witney

Rapture Entertainment in Witney will be flying the flag for Oxfordshire on Record Store Day this Saturday (17 April). The store will be holding a special sale, which will include a range of exclusives being produced to mark the day worldwide. This year, bands will be playing throughout the day in the Woolgate Centre in Witney, including The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band, The Black Hats, Les Clochards, Ute and Danny and the Champions of the World. This will be followed by a celebration of local music at Fat Lil’s, featuring The Epstein, Mr Fogg and Two Fingers of Firewater. Full details are here – head down to support it if you can.

  • leesmilex

    i attended this and found it hilarious that when we played last year there was huge panic and i was asked repeatedly to tone it down (being a family friendly type guy i did, adjusting every swearword in each song)
    yet stuart rabbit foot gets away with saying david cameron is a cunt and swearing through their set when his general drunkeness would have got him arrested normally on most other days in witney! not that i was offended, just love how scared of rock everyone is! :-)
    it was a good day out and people should really make more of an effort to go to witney as they have a lot going on there (what with fat lil’s being one of the best oxon venues hands down) and it’s not as much of a shithole as it was when i went to college there! :-)x

  • jamess

    witney’s so luvverly that i’ll be there next thursday at fat lils! Admittedly i bypassed it on saturday, becasue regretfuly was zooping to darkest wales and there wa no time to stop by.
    anyway, what stuart was saying was so obviously correct that no-one objected in the slightest…..