
Smilex: Playmusic’s Best Unsigned Live Band 2010

Well done Smilex, for being chosen as the Best Unsigned Live Band 2010 in geeky muso magazine Playmusic’s Unsigned Awards. That’s not ‘best live band in Oxford’ – but best live band in the entire universe. I think. Although I’m not sure how far and wide the magazine is distributed.

Read the magazine online here – page 34 is about Smilex and includes an interview with frontman Lee Christian. Some choice quotes include “hydrogen bomb-sized explosions of energy”, “huge dynamic sound” and, er, “licking the bald head of some random guy”. Good work, Smilex.

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  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/allthatimprobableblue/ Daniel (all that improbable blue)

    Lee at his crowd pleasing best: http://bit.ly/9l9AcI

  • http://www.gappytooth.com gappy

    Great shot!

  • http://www.smilex.co.uk leesmilex

    that photo made me so happy! you cant imagine how frustrating it is to have smashed sooo many glasses, ashtrays and whatever else was to hand for so many years and no-one ever catch it on film! this clip is from the same song and set (miles oxbands’ birthday party?) if anyone is feeling strong enough to stomach it!
    kids: please remember that there is nothing cool or funny about being in your bathroom at 3am picking shards of thick glass out of your head! that is the time for partying with the band and friends and getting with hot girls who think you’re cool (not some psychopathic freak.)! it’s also a two person job, so be warned! :-)x
    p.s. thanks for the piece and the continuous support oxbands and its readers…and those who come to the shows!