The big threatening white bubble from The Prisoner

What do we want? INFORMATION!

Eagle-eyed readers, or perhaps those with frisky mouse-clicking tendencies, may be aware of the Resources and links section of This is where we put details of, and links to, things that may – crivens, even will – be of use to anybody involved in or interested in all aspects of music in Oxford. That means things like…

— Bands
— Record labels
— Media
— Promoters
— Venues
— Music shops
— Ticket sellers/resources
— Rehearsal and recording studios
— Audio/video production companies

…and so on.

We’d like to bump up the usefulness of this page, and so anybody who’d like a link to themselves or their company added, drop us a line and we’ll happily add you, free of charge. All you need to give us is the name, link, and perhaps a brief sentence-worth of description about what you are or what you represent. Over to you!

  • Mac

    No Jericho Tavern in the venues section? … nice to see the boycott continued.

  • simonminter

    That’s that addressed, thanks Mac.

    Is the boycott still a thing, really?

  • colinmackinnon

    Actually, while we’re at it, what’s happened to the Jericho’s gigs? The website is only advertising a couple a month!

  • gappy

    I think the Jericho website only covers the nights booked by YMD. I assume other people still book the venue, but the details will be on their individual websites/posters/adverts.

  • Mac

    Was it ever Simon, don’t think so.

  • leesmilex

    smilex boycotted it for a good few years until we saw you had played it or did sound there (or something cant remember now!) for a large amount of dosh then we lifted our ban on playing there. we still try to have ethics about gigging!