Get Cape man in bad-ass hoodie

Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly instore at Rapture, Witney

This month it was Little Fish, next month it’s Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly… Rapture in Witney continues to rack up some impressive instore performances. 20 September will see Sam Duckworth, or as he’s more famously (or ludicrously) known Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly popping down the shop to promote and play tracks from his self-titled new album, which is released on 13 September.

Get yourselves over to Rapture early to catch the performance, which is free and will start at 5.00 pm. Free albums to anybody who’s got a cape, is wearing a cape, and can fly*. For the rest of us, bring some money and buy some stuff. Maybe get your buttocks autographed.

This is the third time that Sam has played an instore at Rapture. The first time, he promised that he’d be back every time a new album came out. The second time, somebody shot some video:

Find out more about Rapture’s instore performances here.

*This means unaided, smart-ass. Non-humans may not take part in this. In fact, I made it up, nobody’s getting free anything.