Secret Rivals, by Johnny Moto

Secret Rivals: Start Fires

After a couple of years where their internet presence frequently eclipsed their slender musical talents Secret Rivals’ new EP suggests they’re finally letting their music do the talking and the music has found the backbone to make an impact.

Lead track `It Would Be Colder Here Without You’ fizzes buoyantly in a Diet Coke kind of way, Wedding Present fuzz doused in Los Campesinos twee-pop jollity and jangle, the female singer Cloud’s clipped delivery giving it a neatly precise feel, and she could probably cope better without the interruptions from shouty male sparring partner Jay, who sounds like that irritating monkey boy who ruined all of The Automatic’s early songs.

Similarly `Prone To Explosions’ has a demure, quintessentially English indie-pop feel of the sort Heavenly used to excel at and The Would-Be-Goods still do. `Slow Learner’, by comparison, is brash and less coherent, a tinny, half-formed take on Long Blondes’ angsty fem-pop but at least sounds spirited and more than capable of punching its way out of a paper bag.

There’s still a feeling that Secret Rivals are locked too firmly in the indie ghetto’s 80s and 90s glory days and need to find a sound that’s more their own, but this is a big step up from previous efforts and maybe soon they can convince us there’s a decent pop band in there after all.

Secret Rivals Myspace


    so were a bit like an eighties Los Camp heh?

    Cheersd Zoe as enthusiastic and relevant as ever! (is someone forcing you to write these reviews?)

    EP out on Josaka Records in October….if your still not excited heres another very recent review.

    love love

    Monkey Boy

  • thin green fred.

    Yo Jay hows things?

    That was a good review from Zoe I thought. It sounds like she is warming to the band (if not you)


    Hey Fred, very good man hope your well.