Black Hats video still

Black Hats – tasty new video

Yo dudes, check out this very nice video that Black Hats have put together. It’s ostensibly rehearsal room footage of the band playing their new single’s lead track ‘Tunnels’, but it’s filmed and edited super-skilfully in neato HD quality by FX Media. Black Hats say that they were chatting with a chap from FX at a rehearsal, and in less than 24 hours he’d given them the video. Bish bosh.

Good video + good song = Good squared.

Black Hats on MySpace
FX Media

  • nick breakspear

    Hey Simon,

    Thanks for the kind words! We couldn’t believe what Rich from FX media put together. It was just 2 run throughs of the song, a bit of messing about and then it was on Youtube the next day. We’ve been getting a great response from the new single….thanks to you guys @ Music in Oxford for your support! Nick xxxx

  • asher dust

    Like the video…Love the song,arrangement,performance…everyting!