Phantom Theory seek zombies for video shoot

Rambunctious two-piece noiseniks Phantom Theory are filming a video for their rockin’ track ‘Tone Of The Dead’ on Sunday 27 February. Why is this of interest? Well, you – yes, you – could get involved. The band are looking for extras to appear as zombies in the video, which will have, as they say, a ‘28 Days Later zombie/infected vibe’. This could coincide perfectly with the hungover and zombified feelings often so prevalent on a Sunday, so why not get involved and kick off your music video extra career?

The shoot commences at midday on Sunday. Whilst extras won’t get paid for their work, there will be free food and drink lined up. Not that zombies eat or drink. Unless it’s brains. And blood.

Phantom Theory, by the way, have a new EP lined up and on the way soon. This will be launched at a gig on 25 March at the Bullingdon in Oxford, where Cardiff’s Strange News From Another Star – featuring Jimmy from Future Of The Left – will also be playing. BRRRRAIIIIINNNSS!!!