Brown Betty

BG Records have launched a community café

BG Records – the Oxford-based independent label which aims to assist local musicians with recording, mentoring, event planning and releasing their wares – have diversified into the cakes’n’tea arena. Today sees the opening of the BG Café, a place where music types can hang out and swap ideas whilst munching on homemade cakes and sandwiches.

The Café is at the Saxon Centre, in Oxford’s Northway (see map below), and will be open every Saturday, starting today (5 March), from 10.00 am until 2.00 pm. Who’d have thought it? Local musicians + hot and cold drinks + cakes = the perfect environment for interesting stuff happening.

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More information on the Café’s Facebook page.

  • Anonymous

    Sounds good. I’m doing some over time at the JR on coming Saturday mornings, so I may be able to nip along to one of these. Zahra alwasy comes up with interesting gig spaces and concepts.

  • Asher Dust

    Props and respect to Zahra..The first one went really well……..