Nasty clip-art

Gappy Tooth Winter Warmer rescheduled for this month

Oxford promoters Gappy Tooth have been running their ‘Winter Warmer’ December mini-festival for a couple of years now, but last year Winter had the upper hand, meaning that the Warmer couldn’t take place because of snowmageddon. Luckily, though, it’s still pretty chilly out there right now – despite the sunshine – so it’s not entirely unfeasible to have the Winter Warmer in March.

That’s just what Gappy Tooth have done – rescheduled the event. It’ll now happen on Saturday 12 March, running from 12.30 pm to 11.00 pm, in the cosy environs of Café Tarifa. They’ve even had the wherewithal to come up with a new name – ‘Reheated’ – to represent its reason for being.

The event is free, which is a price most of us like, and here’s what is happening throughout the day:

  • 12.30: Doors
  • 13.10: Trev Williams
  • 13.50: Helen Pearson
  • 14.30: D Gwalia
  • 15.10: Midnight Boatman
  • 15.50: Prohibition Smokers Club
  • 16.30: Ross Bennett
  • 17.10: Matt Winkworth
  • 17.50: Jess Hall
  • 18.30: King Of Cats
  • 19.10: George Chopping
  • 19.50: Ally Craig
  • 20.30: Anton Barbeau
  • 21.15: Huffenpuff
  • 22.00: Samuel Zasada
  • 23.00: Curfew

More information (not much, but a little bit more) can be found at the Reheated page of Gappy Tooth’s website. You’ll need to make your own jokes about the Doors playing so early in the day, and who this Curfew band is anyway, as they seem to get a lot of gigs – we wouldn’t sink to such comedic depths.

  • Anonymous

    Actually, the 2010 WW was set to be the 6th! Anyway, thanks for the plus, we appreciate it.

  • Anonymous

    Come and see us today. No pounds, no pence.