SNSBL DNCHL recently made their presence known to via the magical electronic airwaves of Twitter. They’re a Tumblr-based resource for, as they put it, all of your dub & reggae needs in Oxford. So, y’all, if you have such needs, follow them, or whatever it is you do to keep up with a Tumblr website. And is a Tumblr website called a website? Or do people still use that horrific ‘tumblog’ word? Either way, it’s some nice work and there’s quite a mass of stuff available through there already. Keep up the good work. Or, should we say, KP P TH GD WRK.
To pique your interest, they’re currently offering half price entry to Future Fambo’s show at Lava/Ignite in Oxford on Thursday 24 March. Future Whatnow? Future Fambo, the Jamiacan dancehall star who’s previously worked with Beenie Man and Busta Rhymes. Five of their readers can get in for half of the standard £10 entry fee. Find out how, here.