Free compilation with Listing Ships, The Rock Of Travolta and more

The second volume of a series of free download albums put together by a benevolent fellow from the band Flies Are Spies From Hell, A Cheery Wave From Stranded Youngsters, is available now. Whilst it’s in no way an exclusively Oxford-centric compilation, it does include tracks from local post-stuff outfits Listing Ships and The Rock Of Travolta, along with a load of other, obviously less important, bands.

The full track listing is as follows:

  • Listing Ships: ‘Skipper’s Daughter’
  • The Rock Of Travolta: ‘Super 8′
  • Bleaklow: ‘The Sunless Country’
  • Khuda: ‘Antaeus’
  • Orders of the British Empire: ‘When Machines Fall Silent’
  • MinionTV: ‘We Are Ghosts’
  • You Slut!: ‘On-The-Spot Tina Turner Fine’
  • Vessels: ‘Ornafives’
  • Leyaks: ‘Spanish Luftkanone’
  • Maybeshewill: ‘Co-Conspirators’
  • Kasper Rosa: ‘Coronal Mass Ejection’

So get your download hat on and grab yourself a copy for precisely £0 (unless you’d like to pay for it, in which case you’d be very welcome to – all proceeds go to the bands). The album is available from all of the bands’ websites, but we’ll remain Oxford-focussed and suggest that you get it from either Listing Ships or The Rock Of Travolta.

  • Steroids

    nothing better than some good free music.