Spring Offensive - A Stutter And A Start

Out today! New Spring Offensive single and video

Here – well, there, down there – is the video to go with the title track of the new Spring Offensive single, ‘A Stutter And A Start’ – an exquisitely put-together 3m44s of single-shot cleverness that has something of the Michel Gondry about it.

The single is out today, and available directly from the band’s website. Available both digitally and physically, it’s a three-track release that includes Gunning For Tamar’s remix of ‘Abacus Rex’ alongside ‘A Stutter And A Start’ and ‘The Well’. The physical release is packaged in black and white artwork and comes complete with some colouring-pencils so that happy listeners can colour it in themselves (or deface it horribly if they don’t like it). Anybody that bought their limited-edition ‘Between Me And You’ acoustic single – which helped to fund the release of this new record – will see their name listed within the physical packaging.

  • Mark Wilden

    That’s an excellent video.

  • Big Tim

    Aye, that’s right good.