How to do electronica

Forthcoming electronic music compilation raising funds for Japan

A couple of kind-spirited Oxford promoters of electronic music – The Psychotechnic League and The Modernist Disco – are pulling together a collection for release in May, profits from which will be donated to the Red Cross fund for Japan. The promoters, made up of members of We Are Ugly But We Have The Music and Space Heroes Of The People, are gathering together tracks from the best local electronic artists, including the likes of Coloureds, Keyboard Choir and the aforementioned Space Heroes.

There’ll be a downloadable version of the album available from 2 May, and a CD release will follow on 9 May, priced at £5 and available from Oxford’s Truck Store and Witney’s Rapture Records.

That’s nice, innit? Find out more about the Red Cross fund for Japan here. The album download will be available here (but right now, there’s not much to see…)