BBC Introducing in Oxford, 21/05/2011 show details – Fixers and Willy Mason/Robin Bennett interviews and more

Lots of people keep saying how Fixers are, like, a wicked-fresh combo of the Beach Boys and Animal Collective. Whether you think so or not, it’d be hard to argue with the fact that they dun’ make some purty music. Hear what their frontman Jack has to say for himself in this week’s BBC Introducing in Oxford interview, and also wrap your lugholes around tracks from Willy Mason, The Young Knives, Mr Fogg and more…

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can listen to it from 6.00 pm on Saturday 21 May at BBC Oxford.

Ute — ‘Brother’
Grudle Bay Riots — ‘Pia’
Fixers interview
Fixers — ‘Crystals’
Spider County — ‘Papertrail’
Gig Guide
Willy Mason and Robin Bennett interview
Willy Mason — ‘Into Tomorrow’ (feat. Robin Bennett, live at Truck Store)
The Young Knives — ‘The Decision’ (live acoustic session)
AM bEaTs — ‘Let Me Be’
Mr Fogg — ‘Quicksand’ (acoustic)