Oxfringe 2011

Oxfringe 2011 music events 10-26 June

Some time ago Oxfringe put out the call for performers to get involved in their annual celebratory festival of the arts. The event – or rather events, as the season comprises many different literary, theatrical, comic, artistic and musical happenings – is now all lined up and ready to go. Naturally there will be lots of music, of many kinds, presented as part of this year’s Oxfringe – here is a full line-up…

Opera on Punts (Folly Bridge, punts are £100/£140/£175)
10 June/12 June/17 June/19 June/24 June/25 June/26 June, 3.00 pm/6.00 pm
Live opera performance on chauffered punts on the River Thames

Chris T-T, Listing Ships, Tamara & the Martyrs (The Wheatsheaf, £6)
10 June, 8.00 pm
Brighton-based singer-songwriter with top local supports

Voice (Ashmolean Museum Atrium, free)
11 June, 12.00 pm
Female acapella trio

OCM Open (Pegasus Theatre, £3/£5)
11 June, 1.30 pm/6.30 pm
The finest and most innovative bands and performers in the region

Black Hats, Sketches, Very Nice Harry (Jericho Tavern, £5/£6)
11 June, 8.00 pm
A couple of great local bands along with Leeds’ Sketches

Karaoke at the Copa (Copa Upstairs, free)
11 June, 8.30 pm
Exactly what it says!

Oxfringe Acoustic: Goodwin Sands, Tamara Parsons-Baker (The Honeypot, free)
13 June, 8.00 pm
Lo-fi folk from the Netherlands, with local support

Movin’ Melvin Brown: A Man, A Magic, A Music (Copa Upstairs, £10/£13)
15 June/16 June/17 June/18 June, 7.30 pm
Stories, song, dance, tap, comedy, characters…

Inflatable Buddha, Mustard and The Monocle, Mephisto Minor (The Wheatsheaf, £5/£6)
17 June, 8.00 pm
Eclectic and excellent local music

From Polyphony to Polygamy (Jacqueline du Pre Music Building, £12/£15/£30)
18 June, 7.00 pm
Including works by Bach, Liszt and George Onslow, and an interactive lecture on Onslow

My Piano is My Rocket Ship (St Michael at the Northgate, £6/£8)
18 June, 8.00 pm
Stylish harmonies, powerful vocals and extraordinary lyrics

The Choir of Somerville College (St Columba’s Church, £5/£10)
21 June, 7.30 pm
One of the upcoming choirs of the University

Meaning Machines (St Michael at the North Gate, £6/£8)
21 June, 8.00 pm
A concert of composed and improvised music which incorporates the written word

Gavin Osborn (The Boiler Room at the Jam Factory, £5)
22 June/23 June, 8.00 pm
Solo acoustic songs from Osborn, who has previously supported Belle And Sebastian and Daniel Kitson

Gibb Rishes Songologue: the Pratful Vocal Clown (The Boiler Room at the Jam Factory, £6/£7)
24 June/25 June, 6.30 pm
Surreal threads of Anglo-Irish and original song… apparently!

Afropean Choir & Jali Fily Cissokho (SAID Business School, £7/£10)
24 June, 7.30 pm
Urban/ethnic/Congolese/Senegalese music

Jaggy Edges, The Shapes, Lost Dogs (Port Mahon, £5)
24 June, 8.00 pm
Another eclectic line-up local acts

Little Fish Acoustic, Matt Winkworth Band, Samuel Zasada (Jericho Tavern, £5/£6)
25 June, 8.00 pm
Acoustic songs from Little Fish, with local acts in support

The Ziggurat Builders (The North Wall Arts Centre, £7/£10)
25 June, 8.00 pm
Exploratory music with medieval and contemporary influences

End of the fringe party (Copa Upstairs, free)
26 June, 9.30 pm
The end! All welcome to celebrate the end of Oxfringe

If you need more information than the somewhat sketchy descriptions above, and want to buy tickets for a few of the events, you can find everything you need at the Oxfringe website. You’ll also find there full details of everything else that’s going on as part of this year’s festival – make sure you check it out!