Montana Gold

Montana Gold: Demo

Funk music! Yeah! Rock music! Yeah! Put them together and what have you got? Heaps of indulgent shite for the most part. Pretty much any fusion style is going to be less than the sum of its parts (ska-punk – there’s another prime culprit) but few genres rub each other the wrong way as badly as funk and rock, even if The Red Hot Chili Peppers did have their moments. Sadly the Chili Peppers, like Stevie Wonder, Jimi Hendrix and John Lennon, managed to inspire huge swathes of imitators who managed to completely miss the point. Which, somewhat untidily, brings us to Abingdon’s Montana Gold, a name that in itself sounds like a cheap brand of coffee trying too hard to sound exotic.

Montana Gold are five sixteen year-olds from Abingdon who play funk-rock. Given their tender ages, the temptation is to patronise them and go easy. But what the hell: spare the rod and spoil the child and all that. It’s difficult to unearth a redeeming feature hidden within these two tracks, although the singer’s name, Jimmy Van Hear is mildly amusing; it sounds like something his mum might shout up the stairs to him when the rest of the band arrive to take him to rehearsal.

The whole thing is so anonymous, so generic it feels more like the sort of copyright-free library music that only ever got used in low-budget German porn films in the darkest recesses of the 1970s. ‘Dear Lady’ at least doesn’t mess about with foreplay – it’s straight in there with the widdly guitar solo, the rhythm guitar backing it up with that clichéd chopped-out funk sound. Thankfully Herr Van Hear is on hand to iron out any semblance of personality that might accidentally ooze out of the music’s clogged pores, his voice a flat-lining howl that’s not so much pedestrian as stuck in the queue for a bus that never comes. I’m not sure if it’s fair to blame Jamiroquai for all this but fuck it, let’s blame Jamiroquai for everything anyway.

‘Checkered Hunt’ – which looks like it ought to sound rude if you say it too quickly but sadly doesn’t – seems ready to ditch even that modicum of funkiness which ‘Dear Lady’ possessed, leaving it hopelessly exposed as rock work-out, and ends up sounding like something that might have leaked out of Reef’s backside sometime back when Montana Gold were surely too young to have been exposed to such musical atrocities. Then again, Reef were among that elite strike-force of bands lumped together under the banner Dad-rock back in the 90s, so maybe we could blame their fathers for all this.

No, sod it, let’s blame Jamiroquai again.

Montana Gold on MySpace, and on SoundCloud

  • Alexispanidis

    Fuck you musicinoxford!

  • Simon

    The opinions of reviewers are not necessarily those of the entire website…

  • DannyQuo

    WTF?   Jeeeez, this has to be the worst article ever!!!!!  U seen the charts these days? Most of the crap in there sounds like “cheap brands of coffee”.  If your calling this bad, then Music really has F***ed up!!!!  

  • woodB

    Like DannyQuo I listened to the tracks (on soundcloud) expecting to hear some comedy, but hey, are these songs by a group of sixteen year olds worthy of the venom wrought by the reviewer. No actually. I was quite entertained. Nice to hear somthing other than another Arctics clones. Your review says a lot more about you, Brinna, than it does about Montana Gold.

  • Hanna Montana

    The only thing funnier than this review is the stupidity of the angry brigade responding to it. Like it’s not the band themselves posting as supposed fans or anything!

  • DannyQuo

    ???? Im in my own band. Do you play music? Do write songs? If so, i dont know how old you are, but could you write songs like this at 16?  And reveiws are meant to look at positives and negatives, this is what helps someone to pick up on their mistakes. They take CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, then try hard to meat the aims. But articles like this which just slam a group are not constructive. Its not helpfull, and its not in good spirit. And articles like this are not going to give bands any confidence in an industry which is so crying out for bands. 
    THATS why i and a few more, have complained about this `review`.

  • Simon

    This is what these comments are for though, isn’t it – for people to respond to the review. So, keep it up…

  • Montana Gold

    our myspace hasnt been updated in 3 years, as to why our picture you have posted is so young.

  • Less Than Bothered

    this review wont harm the band…..the comments will burry them!

    speak easy kids…no one likes a cry baby

    oh and Danny Q’s comments are beyond retarded…really mate read your initial post back….whats your point? yes chart music can be shit…exactly how does that fact make this any better?

    i didnt have any opinion on the band until i saw these comments…i now do and it aint great!

  • Jim Sandy

    Seriously guys, you sound like you want to be the Chilis. Been done! At the tender age of 16 I was knocking out both great songs and utter shite….it is part of learning to play in a band.

    If you take any review to heart too much you will get upset. Enjoy the limelight, you’re more likely to get people listening to you.

  • Jim Sandy

    “meat the aims” ……good name for a band by the way!

  • Leesmilex

    i like funk and rock and funk rock – big fan of chili’s, fishbone, living colour, brad, weapon of choice, naked truth and more!
    being honest when i was sixteen and seventeen this was pretty much excatly the type of music i was maing in funk rock band stroppy – we were ridiculously unpopular in trendy quarters (and we were a lot more risky and heavy and experimental than u guys are really – not saying we were better – derivative funk rock is as it is, just saying if anything was likely to buy us points those qualities would have been the ones!) as we were around during britpop and supergrass getting big but hey we played lots of great gigs and had loads of fun! what i am trying to say is dont take it all to heart! the first things u do are rarely the best – they are just a step on a formative path!  dont spend all that time on negativity and chalk it up to taste then get on with what you are doing – u did ask for criticism and cant be shocked when u get it! pour the anger back into your music – can only help! i say this all as someone who was in the same boat a while back! if u guys want me to do a remix at some point get in touch! :-)x
    p.s: your myspace did not seem like it was 3years old but made in 2010 so i guess u are still new to the harsh music world! 

  • I <3 Porn Music

    Actually 1970s German Porn music is really rather good. Check out the Crippled Dick releases if you require evidence – I would particularly recommend both the Vampyros Lesbos and Schulmadchen Report CDs.

    Yes, that’s right – I watch them for the music – nothing wrong with that 😉

  • Montana Gold

    by the way we didnt write any negative comments, we accept the review and are not “pretending to be fans”.

  • D. Gwalia

    Totally agree – If it wasn’t for ‘Crippled Dick’ I wouldn’t have learned to play guitar. And who isn’t be moved by the tight horn section in ‘Party Goat 7′ or the pounding rhythms in ‘Lube is for Losers’. Without those soundtracks the world would be a morass of un-repaired washing machines.

  • Phill

    i like your hats

  • Samee / Bolton

    fuck you brinna

  • Anonymous

    What’s that?  You want to fuck Yule Brinner?  Each ot their own…

  • bzzt

    Porn music these days isnt the same as it was.Only watch porn with film grain in it and you are likely to be blessed with ace music.
    On a more related note, a good review is not for the benefit of the band , but an opinion thrown out to the public.You cannot complain that there is not enough positivity in a review because there should be no quota of positivity.So I guess this review is kinda fair.