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Musicians sought for DAAT charity event

Oxfordshire Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT), who commission drug and alcohol treatment and support services for people throughout Oxfordshire, are looking for local musicians to take part in an event that they are organising.

As part of the charity’s Recovery Week in September, a Walk For Recovery will start in the town centre and finish at South Park just after midday, where there will be a selection of activities and entertainments including a small stage for performers. The aim of the day is to recognise and celebrate recovery from drug and alcohol addiction, as well as encouraging people to access support services whilst trying to beat addiction.

The charity are looking for musicians interested in offering their services for the event, which will be attended by a variety of people of all ages. They’re also after some logistical bits and pieces – a sound technician, stage and PA system, which they would appreciate assistance with. Anybody that’s interested should contact Anna Odell from DAAT, who can be emailed at anna.odell@gmail.com.