A nice photograph of Ute

ute are calling it a day

Sad news to report; the increasingly excellent weirdo-indie-folk-troubadours ute have announced that they’re drawing their musical journey to a close. As their website says:

“There’s no big ball of flames in this ending (we’re still close as brothers)… we’ve just decided we need to step back for a while. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve done over the last 3 years, and we’ve had some of the best times. There are so many people that we owe so much to… people who’ve put us on, put up with us (more likely), watched us play, shouted a hearty ‘WOAH’ at the end of ‘Innocent Tailor’, let us snore on their floor, driven us places, shared a stage with us, bought a record, played us on the radio, written something about us… it’s all meant so much. It’s always been pretty crazy to us that people are not only listening but really enjoying our songs, not sure that’s ever a feeling that we’ve gotten used to.”

However, they do also state that their last couple of gigs will be “our last in this current incarnation”, whatever that means. So maybe there are things planned for the future – who knows. Their last Oxford gig took place at the outstanding Blessing Force 4 takeover of Modern Art Oxford on Saturday 10 September, and it was a doozy. Their last gig ever will be at London’s Borderline on Friday 16 September, supporting This Town Needs Guns.

Good luck, chaps. Here’s ‘Innocent Tailor':