The Graceful Slicks

The Graceful Slicks cracking America and China

There are good things afoot for Oxford’s psychedelic, shoegazing rockers The Graceful Slicks – they’re just about to get a lot better known in a couple of big places.

An American label, the Virginia-based Custom Made Music, is including ‘Bul Bul Tarang’ on their Fall Sampler, a free CD of which 2,000 copies will be distributed across America. It’ll go to a lot of radio stations and reviewers too, which will hopefully bring some attention to the band!

Over in China, the country’s biggest music magazine SoRock! is interviewing the Graceful Slicks for their next edition, and including ‘Bul Bul Tarang’ on their cover-mounted CD.

The band are going into the studio in January to record some new demo tracks, to hopefully dovetail with increased exposure. Whilst they don’t have any Oxford gigs lined up for the next few weeks, make sure that you check them out if and when they announce some – before they go global!