CC4C - Chromatophorium artwork

Colour Change For Camouflage: Chromatophorium (download)

When coming up with a name for your debut EP, settling on one that will return only your album in search results is a good decision. That’s the first positive in Colour Change For Camouflage’s Oxford English Dictionary-contesting ‘Chromatophorium'; within there are many more.

Based in Witney, CC4C are frontwoman Emily, guitarist Will, drummer Brodie, bassist Craig and guitarist/prophet Easy. The quintet amalgamate elements of any number of genre clashes, but the foremost are punk, indie and rock – very much like all the best bands ever. (Speaking of which, it is said that the band was formed during “an improvised jam in October 2010 with members of rock legends Guns’N’Roses” – the pure enigma of that quote should be enough to feed the curiosity of the uninitiated.

Emily’s impassioned vocals bring the punk, Easy’s guitar playing adds Libertines-like underlying reverb, and his rapping/spoken word makes it all more palatable. This, accompanied by professional bass, elaborate guitar lines and well structured percussion, results in something quite infectious.

Generalisations aside I know little of the actual personalities of the band members, but speculation is what makes the unknown all the more interesting. For example; Easy Chalmers, with his dreadlocks, educated look and the world weary ponderances swathing his lyricism? You can’t help but wonder what his deal is. Due to the style of music, though not particularly classifiable, his delivery seems more King Blues than Scroobius Pip, more reflective than social commentary. Will’s guitar playing is hugely reminiscent of the math-rock sound that took up residency in Oxford after Foals’ ascension: another ingredient in the “reasons these guys are heading for great things” pie.

Early on in proceedings, you do have to make do with what you’ve got, instrument- and recording-wise. Time and connections tend to see sound grow, and I have no doubt that in a summers’ time they’ll have become a more refined model. Having seen them play live last year, and hearing them this year, it’ll be well worth heading to another of their shows, as this concoction establishes itself as that of one of Oxford’s bands to watch.

Listen to ‘Chromatophorium’ on SoundCloud / Colour Change For Camouflage on Facebook