Blur cheese man to have another crack at a festival

Last year’s Harvest festival, held at Blur bassist and cheese entrepreneur Alex James’ place in Kingham, West Oxfordshire in September (and pictured here), may well have tempted both Jeremy Clarkson and David Cameron along, but it ultimately ended badly, with the organising company Big Wheel Promotions collapsing and leaving £1m-worth of debts.

So, what’s a cheesy chappie to do? Why, have another go. James is teaming up with Jamie Oliver to present the awkwardly-named ‘Jamie Oliver presents The Big Feastival with Alex James’, to take at the Kingham location from 31 August to 2 September. As reported by the Oxford Times, it may help to push cynicism aside – for now, at least – as the new event has a completely different company behind it. Brand Events, as it is they, are waiting for licensing approval for the festival, and have yet to announce any details of acts that will be taking part.

  • Spikymikey

    I can’t look at that photo without wondering which of those three I’d like to punch senseless first

  • Grey Children

    I agree – it’s a tricky one.

  • Colmeister

    Surely the plonker who booked the last festival lineup.