Truck Store

Next Truck instores – Dan Mangan, Polly And The Billets Doux

The glorious Truck Store on Cowley Road are keeping up the pace with their instore performances, which are proving an excellent chance to grab a (free) mini-gig before, obviously, buying a truckload* of records.

On Friday 4 May at 4.00 pm, Dan Mangan will give an acoustic performance at Truck Store in advance of his evening gig at The Jericho in Oxford. Here’s a bit o’ Mangan:

On Saturday 5 May at 4.00 pm, the eccentrically-named Polly And The Billets Doux will be in the shop, a few days before their 10 May gig at The Jericho. Here’s what they do:

Want more? Haul ass over to the Truck Store website which is oft updated with news of new instores, as well as videos of previous ones, details of new stuff in stock, and all kinds of jiggery-pokery. The Truck folk assure us that plenty more instores are being arranged!

*See what we did there? Clever.