BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford, 13/05/2012 show details – Mr Fogg interview and more

“Quick! Quick! Turn on your radio right now and tune in to this week’s BBC Introducing in Oxford show!” That’s what we’d be shouting at you if (a) we happened to be in the same room as you, and (b) it was shortly before 9.00 pm on Sunday 13 May. If you don’t find yourself in that situation, well, take note – the show should be listened to anyway. Don’t make us come over there and shout at you.

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can listen to it from 9.00 pm on Sunday 13 May at BBC Oxford.

Fixers — ‘Floating Up’
Bethany Weimers — ‘Harpsichord Row’
Mr Fogg — ‘Stay Out Of The Sun’
Mr Fogg interview
Glass Sines — ‘Soaring Birds’
Mr Fogg — ‘A Little Letting Go’
The Kaos — ‘6ft Under’
Gunning For Tamar — ‘Bonfires’
Music news
Errors gig report
Adam Barnes — ‘Come Undone’