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Industry panel, Stornoway and Kill Murray acoustic at OXDOX event

It was mentioned here a little while ago that part of this year’s OXDOX documentary film festival is a series of events that fall under a banner they’ve named ‘The Power Of Music’. You can read about that here, but one item is worth a special mention as it promises to be an opportunity to gain some ‘industry insights’ as well as to check out some fine Oxford music in a lovely environment.

‘Forum on DIY Mainstream’ is a panel discussion taking place at Holywell Music Room in Oxford on 22 May. A selection of panellists have been chosen to represent different areas of the music industry, and each will give a short talk about their activity, with it all followed by a Q&A discussion with the audience.

The forum is hosted by 6Music’s Tom Robinson (who has championed many an Oxford band in the past), and the panellists are as follows:

  • Fred Bolza: Vice President Creative, Sony Music
  • Mike Williams: Deputy Editor, NME
  • Jane Abernethy: A&R/Product Manager, 4AD
  • Sean Adams: Founder, DrownedInSound.com
  • Ian Wallen: Independent record producer and Head Of Audio Production at SAE Institute Oxford
  • Gary Smith: Owner, Truck Store/Rapture Records
  • Paolo Campana: Film director, Vinylmania
  • Graham Jones: Author, Last Shop Standing
  • Simon Sellars: Copyright and piracy expert, Manches (international law firm)

Quite a mix of names and specialities there, so it looks like it’ll be an great discussion for anybody that’s interested in music or part of the scene/industry/etc in some form.

The forum begins at 7.00 pm and will last for 90 minutes. Want more? Go on then, here’s some more. The same venue will, following the forum, host acoustic sets from both Kill Murray and Stornoway. A single ticket price gets you access to the whole shebang – forum and concert.

Tickets cost £20, or £15 for students, and are available from the OXDOX website which, obviously, is packed full of more information about this and the other OXDOX events.