BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford, 10/06/2012 show details – The Big Sun interview and more

Quick! Read about this week’s BBC Introducing in Oxford show below! Then, quick! Make sure that you’re around on Sunday to listen live, or line up time soon after that to listen online! Oh, and who are The Big Sun, you may ask? Why, some kind of supergroup type affair, featuring not only members of Ride and The Candyskins, but also the fifteen-year old daughter of a Candyskin!

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can listen to it from 9.00 pm on Sunday 10 June at BBC Oxford.

Yungstar — ‘My All’ (featuring Pringle)
Pocket House — ‘Collected Brass’
Sonic Rising — ‘Solar Eyes’
Draper — ‘Painting The Sky’ (featuring Madame Luxe)
Kill Murray — ‘Miracle, Man’
Mr Fogg — ‘A Little Letting Go’
The Big Sun interview
The Big Sun — ‘Skylon’
Secret Rivals — ‘The Part That Kills’
Ruth Stavric — ‘Dog-Eared’
#Tags — ‘Sick Of Heels’
Gig guide
Richard Walters — ‘Regretless’

  • Beaverfuel

    So, is “Skylon” a Space Heroes of the People cover…?