Tamara Parsons-Baker

Tamara And The Martyrs video – recording in Brasenose Chapel

As part of the planning and recording of their forthcoming album – which is enigmatically ‘coming soon’ – Tamara And The Martyrs recently rocked up to Brasenose Chapel in Oxford. There, they recorded the sweet vocals of members of the Brasenose College Choir, and soaking up the rich surroundings at the same time.

The final track for which the vocals were recorded is yet to be unveiled, but BBC Introducing in Oxford’s Sam King was along for the ride, and captured some of the early morning session on video, along with some brief interviews with lead Martyr, Tamara Parsons-Baker, choir members and Brasenose’s Director of Music. A personal message from Parsons-Baker, from her blog post about the recording: “A huge thanks to everyone involved who gave up their time to make this possible, especially the choir who are made up of very busy Brasenose students”. Here’s the video: