's Gigs Of Note

Gigs of note for 30 July 2012-12 August 2012

On Friday 3 August there’s the latest ‘Yard Session’, a carefully-selected line-up of music performed in the rarified space of Modern Art Oxford. Two of our favourite bands in Oxford right now – Kill Murray and The Cellar Family – are joined by The Voyeurist and Pavlov’s Children, who both offer different brands of electronic experimentation. Just to mix things up further, shouty indie kids Secret Rivals will be along to provide a DJ set as well. Art! Music! Art and music!

There’s a great line-up planned for a gig in the sweaty, ramshackle environs of the Port Mahon in Oxford on Saturday 4 August. London’s Mayors Of Miyazaki, who can be quite accurately described as ‘puzzle rock’ – complex yet powerful weirdo noise – are supported by two Oxford bands in the form of Traps (chaotic indie rock) and Masiro (chunky, confusing thug-rock from a super-tight two piece). What’s more, it’s only £3 to get in!

It’s the latest in’s irregular series of showcase gigs on Friday 10 August, at the Wheatsheaf in Oxford. We’re pleased to welcome Bristol’s SJ Esau, the Anticon-signed quirkmeister who offers ‘wiggly pop songs’, and two of Oxford’s finest in the form of the Krautrock-influenced instrumental jamz of Listing Ships and the 1960s psychedelia-drenched Graceful Slicks. This’ll be a good one – be there.

More music in the art gallery on Saturday 11 August as Modern Art Oxford plays host to a Pindrop Performances gig, with the dreamy folk ambience of Message To Bears, the cracked blues of Huck and oddball American pop from Rainbow Reservoir. If you’re heading there, check out some of the art, too! It’d be rude not to.

If you’re up for something weird and wonderful, get along to the Supernormal festival which runs on Friday 10 August, Saturday 11 August and Sunday 11 August. It’s a fantastic, quirky festival held in Ipsden, with a surprisingly brilliant line-up that includes Seefeel, The Telescopes and James Blackshaw, as well as many more bands, musicians and artists who will guarantee a challenging and rewarding few days’ worth of music.