Spring Offensive - Not Waving But Drowning artwork

New Spring Offensive single and video: ‘Not Drowning But Waving’

Continuing their creative and energetic journey through the musical landscape, Spring Offensive have just released a new video to accompany their latest single, ‘Not Drowning But Waving’. It features clouds, sea, sand dunes and some rather cute-looking cottages. Oh, and some pretty music, too, and some of their becoming-a-trademark multi-vocal lyrical chanting:

‘Not Drowning But Waving’ is available to buy from iTunes right now – along with B-side ’52 Miles’ – and is also being released soon on the most glorious of all formats, the 7″ single. Anybody buying the record, though, or thinking of it: don’t refer to it as ‘a vinyl’, as in “I just bought a vinyl by Spring Offensive”. “I just bought some vinyl by Spring Offensive” would be fine, if you’re buying multiple copies, but otherwise, you’re just wrong.

Here’s the video: