IAM what I am

Oxford Brookes University presents IAM Festival of art and sound

Billing itself as a festival of ‘contemporary art, sonic art and social sculpture’, the IAM Festival takes place in Oxford from 17 to 23 September. IAM (Interdisciplinary Arts Masters), a collective of postgraduate art students at Oxford Brookes University, produce work spanning art, music and sound, and the six-day festival will present a variety of installations and performances in and around Oxford.

A variety of artists will be participating in scheduled, free events in Oxford Brookes University’s Richard Hamilton Building and across Oxford. The IAM Festival website includes snippets and insights of what’s on offer, and there is an introductory event taking place at 6.00 pm on 18 September, which will be presented by Tracey Warr, a senior Brookes lecturer in contemporary art theory.

From the horse’s mouth: the introductory event will “be an opportunity to view installation works and live performances throughout the evening. An Oxford park will be the venue for a piano on grass performance at sunset and dawn, and look out around the city for live interventions, interactions and impromptu happenings as the week progresses.”

Get your art on.