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Win tickets to The Beatles’ Magical Mystery Tour at Phoenix Picturehouse

Update 30/09/12! Congratulations @tigermendoza, who won the two tickets!

We’ve got another music-movie-mashup competition going on this weekend, as the endlessly-kind folks at Oxford’s Phoenix Picturehouse cinema are offering two free tickets, to one fortuitous winner, to see a newly-restored version of The Beatles’ 1967 movie Magic Mystery Tour on Monday 1 October.

Here’s the deets: “Based on a loose, unscripted narrative, the film became the vehicle for six new songs: ‘Magical Mystery Tour’, ‘The Fool on the Hill’, ‘Flying’, ‘I Am The Walrus’, ‘Blue Jay Way’ and ‘Your Mother Should Know’. Magical Mystery Tour is a surreal take on the British tradition of the coach trip to the seaside, featuring John, Paul, George and Ringo as themselves alongside an eccentric cast of characters.”

Everybody knows that this was the era of The Beatles at their strongest, weirdest and most entertaining.

Fancy your chances of winning the tickets? All you need to do is retweet this here tweet:

Find out more about the Phoenix Picturehouse showing here, and read about the movie at IMDB here.