Acker Bilk

Acker Bilk & His Paramount Jazz Band / Melody Room Jazz Band / The Shellac Collective @ Oxford Town Hall, Oxford, 05/10/12

It’s not often I get to see a living legend. The few times I have, the results have been mixed, to say the least. Some have just traded on former glories, barely hanging on by their fingertips to produce even a fraction of what once made them great. Some have been cantankerous, rude, bored, and others – despite the spirit being willing – have had the physicality of performances of their youth blunted by Mother/Father Time.

Then, there is Acker Bilk. While clearly not as sprightly and as energetic as he once was, the joy of performing and his love of music was tonight clear for all to see.

First, the support acts. The Shellac Collective are a DJ troupe who play original jazz 78s in all their scratchy, crackle-laden glory. A fine collection of tunes from DJ Greg kept the expectant crowd foot-tapping and entertained – without a scratch fader or boring, extended, ego-filled, extended DJ mash-up in sight! Main support The Melody Room Jazz Band are an entertaining and versatile group of jazz musicians who not only play as a wandering Dixie-style band, up and down the aisles and around the audience, but also play swing and marching style jazz. Splendid entertainment.

Next up, the great man himself, Acker Bilk & His Paramount Jazz Band, formed in 1958! Bilk was a leading member of the traditional jazz revival in Great Britain during the late 50s and early 60s. With ‘Stranger On The Shore’, the clarinetist became the first British artist to top the US pop charts. Mr Bilk and his excellent band offer a playlist of traditional jazz tunes to a large, enthusiastic audience. He has a fine line in deadpan gags and self-deprecating humour. Each band member takes a solo, with piano and trumpet standing out. Highlights were, of course, ‘Stranger On The Shore’ and the jolly ‘Panama Rag’.

The audience showed a loyalty and fondness to the 83 year old, who sang a few numbers in an effective and heartfelt croaky croon. There’s audience participation with ‘All You Need Is Love’ and ‘When The Saints Go Marching In’, as the show comes to a close. It was a pleasure to see couples up on their feet, dancing impressively with some nifty jazz steps.

As the crowd left the Town Hall, they were all smiles, and full of good nature. This is hardly surprising: consummate musicianship, professionalism and a sheer joy in performing was evident from all involved.

  • Fish Note

    That is a very heart warming review, thank you very much Andrew…
    It was indeed a special night for those who were there. There was a lady, 78, didn’t stop dancing the whole night at the back of the hall.
    with best wishes,

  • Greg Butler

    Many thanks for your very kind words – It was a real pleasure to DJ to such an experienced crowd who really knew their music…!