The Catweazle Club image

New quarterly magazine inspired by Oxford’s Catweazle Club

The Catweazle Club is something of a legendary event in Oxford. It’s been running for almost eighteen years, and since being created by Matt Sage at the Victoria Arms in Jericho in 1994, it’s played host to hundreds of musicians and artists and now finds itself taking place at 8.00 pm every Thursday at the East Oxford Social Club on Princes Street, off Oxford’s Cowley Road.

It’s reached the lofty heights of Radio 4, who in 2010 broadcast a half-hour documentary about the club:

As well as inspiring musicians, poets and more to grace its stage, Catweazle has now inspired the creation of a new magazine, for which submissions are being welcomed. We’ll unceremoniously cut’n’paste a Facebook message recently sent out about this:

“We are delighted and excited to announce the creation of The Catweazle, a new quarterly magazine inspired by the Catweazle Club and the extraordinary community of people who gather there. The magazine will be a paper venue, a printed stage, a chance for the whole brilliant and passionate and frankly peculiar throng who continue to grace the live performance evenings to express themselves in a different way.

“And that’s where YOU come in – this is your chance to send us anything you’d like to see in the first issue. Poetry and fiction are very welcome of course, but we’d also love paintings, photographs, articles, cartoons, philosophical ramblings, rants, reflections on music or Oxford or the price of fish, and absolutely anything else you care about and want to share. We know there are lots of absurdly talented people who come to Catweazle and who aren’t able to express their particular enthusiasm in the format of a live performance night: we’d love to hear from you.

“The deadline for submissions is 20 December. Send your creations to – we look forward to seeing them!”

So there you have it. Feeling creative? Get in touch via the email address above. Want to find out more about Catweazle? Check out their website.