The Sea The Sea single covers

Listen to four free The Sea The Sea singles here

Over the last few months of 2012, The Sea The Sea decided to release a free single every month and, with admirable diligence and trustworthiness, went ahead and did just that.

The fourth and last of these singles, ‘The Winter Parade’, was released just before the end of the year, and like with the others, it’s available to stream online or download for free. It’ll also be grabbable in a physical format – a CD also containing a second track – from Truck Store on Cowley Road in Oxford or from the band’s gigs.

What gigs, you ask? Well, the next one they’re doing is set to be a doozy – on 19 January they’ll be supporting Tall Ships at O2 Academy 2, Oxford, along with Listing Ships, My Grey Horse and Robots With Souls. More about that here.

Here’s ‘The Winter Parade':

And here, for completists, are the previous three singles from The Sea The Sea: