The Method

Bicester band The Method top 300,000 YouTube views

These days, if you’re involved in music, it seems to be all about ‘conquering the online space’ as much as it does doing things in the real world. Regardless of your feelings about that – and nobody (one would hope) would argue that the visceral realism of an actual gig will always beat a streamed sound file – it’s impressive to see that Bicester’s ‘acoustic/rock’ band The Method have racked up over 300,000 views of their videos on YouTube.

True, there are a lot of videos to contribute to that count – 64 at the time of writing, including not only work by the whole band but also a huge collection of covers performed by frontman Ash Adams – but 300,000 is worth a firm handshake, if not a warm embrace of recognition, isn’t it?

If that’s piqued your interest and you’re keen to see The Method in a real-life, flesh’n’blood, spit’n’sawdust, cheese’n’onion setting, they’ve got several Oxfordshire gigs and performances lined up throughout the next few weeks:

  • 25/01/13: The Courtyard, Bicester
  • 02/02/13: The Shakespare, Bicester
  • 07/02/13: The Bullingdon, Oxford
  • 14/02/13: Truck Store, Oxford
  • 15/02/13: The Bell, Bicester
  • 16/02/13: The Holly Bush Inn, Oxford

Here’s one of those 64 videos, The Method with ‘Just For You':