BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford 09/02/2013 show details – Stornoway interview and more

Herewith the detailitudes regarding this weeketh’s edition of BBC Introducing in Oxford, a fine radio-based communication package that’ll provideth yon head with verily a surfeit of musical entertainment. Setteth an hour aside this forthcoming weekend, pour yourself a nip of Absinthe and comfort your weary brow with some of the finest Oxford music that’s out there.

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can listen to it from 8.00 pm on Saturday 9 February, and it’s repeated at 9.00 pm on Sunday 10 February, at BBC Oxford.

Mr Fogg — ‘Headlock’
Grey Children — ‘Alone At Last’
Giant Fang — ‘Aqualung’
Toliesel — ‘The Light’
The August List — ‘Forty-Rod Of Lightnin”
Perception — ‘Realisations’
Stornoway interview
Stornoway — ‘Knock Me On The Head’
Music news
Spring Offensive — ‘Worry Fill My Heart’ (Sebastian Reynolds remix)
Ruth Stavric — ‘Next Year’
Stornoway — ‘November Song’ (live at the Sheldonian)