's Gigs Of Note

Gigs of note for 18 March 2013-31 March 2013

The legendary Stranglers will be creepy-crawling their way around the O2 Academy Oxford on Monday 18 March, as they stop by during their national tour, supported by the nearly-as-legendary Godfathers. We’ve got two pairs of tickets to give away for this gig – find out how to win them here.

Irregular Folk return to turn The Cellar in Oxford into a magical wonderland on Thursday 21 March – they’ll be presenting alternative folk of many forms with Maia, The May Birds and Alice Ream. These nights also tend to feature artisan sausage rolls and specialist beers – what more could one want?

Frontier Ruckus were described by Rolling Stone as “…what might happen had Neutral Milk Hotel’s Jeff Mangum been raised in a log cabin”. Unpick that description by checking ’em out at The Jericho in Oxford on Friday 22 March. Make sure you get there in time for the Oxfordian support acts – Adam Barnes and Empty White Circles.

Weirdo blues-infused hard rock is promised of Honky – featuring (very excitingly) JD Pinkus of Butthole Surfers. They’ll be playing The Wheatsheaf in Oxford on Sunday 24 March and if that’s not enough, the remaining part of the roof is likely to be torn off by Oxford’s chunky-riffs-abound stoner rockers Desert Storm.

There’s a great big behemoth of a local line-up at The Bullingdon in Oxford on Friday 29 March. A charity gig raising money for Christian Aid and arranged by singer-songwriter Jess Hall (who is also planning on running the London Marathon for the charity), as well as Hall herself it features Family Machine, The Cooling Pearls, Bethany Weimers, Empty White Circles, My Crooked Teeth, Matt Chanarin and Dan Rawle. Wow!

Current Nightshift cover stars The Goggenheim will play The Jericho in Oxford on Saturday 30 March, bringing their rich theatricality to a gig that marks the launch of their new EP. Support will come from the most superb Cellar Family (who haven’t played live for a while, so this is a treat), and the punktastic Junkie Brush. What’s more, the whole affair will be compered by comedian Jonathon O’Neill!

Full details of these and loads more gigs can be found in the events calendar.