Trophy Wife in the BBC Introducing studio

BBC Introducing in Oxford 08/06/2013 show details – Trophy Wife interview and more

There’s been a trend over the past few years for headphones to revert to being really big, and to make the user look as if they have a couple of Dyson cleaners stuck to the side of their head whilst they merrily gambol their way down the high street. Why is this relevant? Well, it’s not, really, but headphones are just one way that you could listen to this week’s BBC Introducing in Oxford show. There are others; we’ll leave the full details up to you to discover and/or to find out. However you choose to do it, make sure to listen…

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can grab the podcast from 8.00 pm on Saturday 8 June at the BBC website.

The Original Rabbit Foot Spasm Band — ‘Birdman Of Barley Mow’
The Big Sun — ‘Pants’
Trophy Wife — ‘Glue’
Trophy Wife interview
Trophy Wife — ‘Heavy Touch’ (session)
Music news
Flights Of Helios — ‘Dynah And Donalogue’ (Oli Steadman remix)
Cabaret Rat — ‘When The Heart Breaks’
C.O.W. — ‘Mister Bendy Man’
Gig guide
Sier Pin Sky — ‘The Dusky Lindens’