Alphabet Backwards 'Pockets' video still

Alphabet Backwards: ‘Pockets’ (video)

Every young, self-respecting Alphabet Backwards fan wants nothing more than to see the band whirling around and around, starting topless and getting steadily more and more clothed, right? Well, you’re in luck. Here’s their latest video, for the track ‘Pockets’ from their album Little Victories, which is still available through Highline Records.

In our review of Little Victories, we said that “frankly, they’re way too charming the way they are”. Although that same review suggested that ‘Pockets’ is “pretty forgettable”, the video does help to jauntify the song a little with its fun (roundabout-based?) visuals: a little something to look at whilst listening. Nice fun. (Is ‘jauntify’ a word?)

Little Victories will get a European release in November, and ‘Pockets’ will be out as a single at around the same time.