Nice turret, Oxford Castle

Get thee to the Castle and PLAY, musicians

Making Music in the Market Square is new thang being put together by the Oxford Castle people – ie, the people that run things at the Oxford Castle complex. Not some kind of weird underground cult of castlepeople. The latter does not in fact exist.

The Oxford Castle team is looking for musicians to perform live acoustic sets – or, as they say, to ‘bring a battery powered amp or two/something to plug into a socket’ – in Oxford Castle Market Square, between 6.00 pm and 9.00 pm every Tuesday to Saturday throughout August.

Any musicians out there up for it? It could be a laugh. OxfordCastleVisitors can check out your toons whilst relaxing on a warm evening and sipping prosecco and eating Krispy Kremes. You’ll be allowed to sell your wares, and hand out any kind of promo materials you might like. Remember though that you’ll need to keep it clean and family-friendly…

Interested? Drop Sarah Mayhew, the Marketing & Events Officer at Oxford Castle, a line – and include one or two examples of your music. (Don’t send whacking great MP3 files though – nobody ever appreciates that). Get in touch with Sarah here.