BBC Introducing in Oxford

BBC Introducing in Oxford 20/04/2013 show details – Matt Maltese interview and more

Stop press! The BBC Introducing in Oxford show will, from this weekend onwards, no longer be repeated on Sundays as well as getting its first airing on Saturdays. So: tune in on Saturday! Or listen online! Either way, make sure you listen…

At the time of writing, it’s very sunny outside, yet it’s also quite cold, and it’s very windy. That could be a metaphor for something. Not sure what, let us get back to you on that. In the meantime, here’s the derring-do concerning this weekend’s BBC Introducing in Oxford show. Good stuff, huh? Lots of music. Some sunny; some cold; some windy. Perhaps.

Here’s the full track listing for the show. You can listen to it from 8.00 pm on Saturday 20 April at BBC Oxford.

Kill Murray — ‘Everything For Free’
Toliesel — ‘The Light’
The Wicked Whispers — ‘Dandelion Eyes’
Stornoway — ‘Knock Me On The Head’ (Sebastian Reynolds remix)
Salvation Bill — ‘Niburu’
Desert Storm — ‘Gaia’
Music news
Co-pilgrim — ‘I’m Going To The Country’
Lyrics explained… with Matt Maltese
Matt Maltese — ‘Further Than I Should’
Who Put Bella In The Witch Elm? — ‘Diastole Systole’
Stray Dog — ‘Say My Name’ (featuring Abiade)
The August List — ‘Homeland’