The Keyz: Superstar Gazing

At first sight we hated this CD – a combination of the cover, which looks like a nineteenth century consumptive has coughed blood all over a Turner tea towel, and that ugly crass Z in the name turned our stomachs.  Almost immediately, we opened Nightshift magazine to discover that this Banbury band has won a juicy £15, 000 to spend on recording through  Interest is immediately piqued; it has to be worth hearing, if they’re flying the local flag so successfully.  It’s a crying shame, then, that we hate it just as much after playing the bloody thing.

It opens intriguingly enough, ‘Monkeyfish’ wafting out a highly polished guitar swirl that could be from some mid 80s Eric Clapton LP, primed to explode into vastly expensive, sleek pomp rock and supersized blues.  Tragically, it just flops into a puddle of laddish ska punk instead.  It’s not the worst ska punk we’ve ever heard by a long chalk (it’s a pretty benighted genre, let’s be honest), but it doesn’t have much to say, and even less in the way of character.  Apart from sending us scuttling to dig out Twizz Twangle’s evergreen “Monkey Dog”, there’s no real reason for this song to exist on record.  Live, maybe; a few beers, a loud enough PA, a frustrating failure to cop off, could all make this third hand bounce sound enticing, but a well played yet vapid studio performance has leeched any tiny fragment of life it may have had.

The next tune starts with the line, “Have I told you about my mate Jack?”  Now, perhaps there are some lyricists who could make something of that woefully underpowered salvo: Suggs in his classic era, maybe, or The Small Faces, or perhaps even Mike Skinner, on a good day.  But The Keyz are none of these, and this pedestrian opener simply illustrates that The Keyz are a band who have never had an idea of their own – and if they have they’ve quickly covered it up with a guitar overdub lest anyone should point and laugh at them for standing out from the cold grey crowd.  Only some fluent piano lines gracefully swooping at the fringes can raise this song from a million others.

At this point we begin to worry that we’re being unfair to a perfectly able band, but the last two tracks take the EP on a shocking downward curve: ‘Them & Me’ starts with the sound of the Bernie Inn pianist having a crack at Michael Nyman, before swamping even that in faceless mid-tempo mush, whilst the title track is like an anodyne advert for life assurance that goes on for over six minutes.  We appreciate we sound jealous of The Keyz – and fuck it, we are!  Fifteen grand would be appreciated at any time, and we’d be especially chuffed if we were given it for being the best at being average.  Of course, they presumably won the prize – voted for blind by the public, I might add, so it’s all above board, unlike many another battle of the bands scam – because they can play.  And they can, they can play just fine, so long as your criteria for “fine” don’t stretch beyond the ability to keep in time and balance your volume levels.  The Keyz are better than many a band chugging away in the provinces, but a classical musician playing with this little flair and attention would have trouble getting a gig at the WI. 

But, hell, if being able to perform the basics of music, without the necessity to come up with anything that demands performance is what you desire, here’s The Keyz.  If you fancy awarding the Booker Prize to the writer who can spell the best, knock yourself out.  If you want to give Michelin stars to any chef who can prepare food to the basic requirements of the human digestive system, go ahead…but be aware that some of us won’t be joining you in this brave new world without a serious fight.

The Keyz Myspace

  • Big Tim

    DM – are you going to start writing for the Demo Dumper as well?


  • Steve D

    I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one, The Keyz debut album recorded on a nothing budget was for all intents and purposes a fantastic mini album.

    “Of course, they presumably won the prize – voted for blind by the public”

    No not exactly my understanding of slicethepie is a little different to your clouded judgement, they have go through a scout system and get a 100 reviews, they then get put through to a showcase of 15 acts and the public vote again this time on a wider scale, then they raise the £15,000. They have more then deserved there shot at the big time I’m sure you will agree.

    This article is written by someone who is obviously jealous that there band didnt or havent met the standard, this makes you come accross as bitter I’m afraid.

    I know there is pressure on you as a writer to be cool ad to be cool you think you have to slate every band that isnt your ow, but music is a little more grown up now and one day you will realise that too.


  • Rob

    We will have fun spending the £15,000, you wouldn’t beleive how good it feels to know that there are enough people out there willing to put their hand in their own pocket and invest in us because they are so confident in our music. Dont foget that we had hundreds of reviews of our songs and out of thousand bands from all over the world scored high enough to get to a showcase – when people are reviewing songs on slicethepie they do not know who the band are, and are paid to give their honest opinion and score out of 10. The general public love our music enough to give us £15,000, leaving your opinion totally pointless and worthless (literally). I’m flattered that you took time out of your busy day to actually write so passionately about us, I can sense the frustration and jealousy. Also, we recorded and produced all the songs ourselves and have achieved many things without a manager, record label, pro studio, engineers, producers etc etc. Over 5 years I have gone from nothing to having my own studio and band, producing songs to a pro standard that are being played on radio and adored by thousands of people – and we haven’t even started yet.

  • Paul H

    Well I guess there is no accounting for taste and its obivouse that you dont like the Keyz at all. The album you so called review concerns was done on a shoe string budget that was non existent. You say you hate the album after hearing they have secured £15’000 to produce a new album yet they have not done this album so how can you hate it. As for Slice The Pie why dont we see how this works. You put 3 tracks into a scout arena that goes up against 3 tracks from other artists. The artists that receive the highest reviews then go through to a showcase in the case of The Keyz they were up against other artists for a vote off to go through and they won this section too. So they won the scout room and they wont the vote. Now people of the general public can invest in them and to get £15’000 someone somewhere must like them. So if there as bad as you say can you explain how they got this far and with this type of fan base. I must say that your review sounds very condicending and derogatory to the point of jelousy and contempt.

  • David


    Thanks for the reasoned resonses – normally when a band (or their Mums) comment on reviews they come up with stuff like “you dont no nothin i bet your not even a musition, mr so called revuer”. So, it’s a good start. I will also agree that my opinion is “worthless” – all opinion is, if it comes down to it; “All art is quite useless” according to Oscar Wilde, so talking about it must be doubly so! But of course, you won the prize, I can’t take that away from you.

    I’ll say a couple of things, however, to keep us all clear.

    1) My understanding of how STP works came from the Nutshaft news article on your prize; I did try to access the site, but it wanted me to upgrade Flash, & I just couldn’t be bothered. I know, no dedication.

    2) I don’t have a band entered into the comp. I don’t have a band at all at the mo, tho I have performed & recorded many a time – and yes, I’ve had rave reviews and stinkers in equal measure!

    3) Irrespective of STP, I didn’t like the music (err, the 4 track CD I got; I won’t judge an LP that’s not been made yet, Paul H – we wait for records to be completed before reviewing them, and *then* make up arbitrary opinions without listening to them). If I’d written a bad review that didn’t mention STP you can probably imagine the comments pointing out how ill-informed I was, and how out of step I am with public opinion…so I could look bitter or ignorant, and in this instance I chose bitter ; ). So there you go, you would have got a similar review if none of us had ever heard of STP, I’m afraid.

    4) Rob, cheers for the comment, but I always write passionately – I’m fucking good, you see.

    Seriously, chaps, thanks for the comments. I didn’t like the music, and there seemed no point pussyfooting around that, so I wrote the review. Forget about me, or anyone else, and enjoy your £15K, that’s my advice. BTW, mif you spent it on builfing a giant monkeyfish and parading it round the Banbury environs, I would instantly change yt opinion of you!

  • phill

    I love it when bands respond like this. If the reviewer’s opinion is pointless and worthlsss then why send a copy in for review? When I read this review, I didn’t see it as the reviewer was jealous and that’s why he gave a bad review – i read it that he gave a bad review because he thought the music was bad, but that’s just his opinion (which is pointless and worthless, so why get your knickers in a twist over it?). Oh, and anything voted for by the public tends to be utter toss.

    ps: Can you lend me a couple of hundred quid?

  • Grill

    For the most part I’d say David was the most even handed and reasonable reviewer on this site (in the county?). You don’t see him often meat out a critical ‘beat-down’ so when he does it’s clearly because he genuinely doesn’t like the music, not because he doesn’t like the band/their hair/their success. If you don’t want criticism then like Phill said don’t send music to critics, just be happy that you have people that are already willing to spend money on your music.Congratulations on getting the money but it isn’t a guarantee of anything, I can think of many bad albums that were made for alot more than £15,000.

  • Kinetic X

    “We appreciate we sound jealous of The Keyz – and fuck it, we are!”

    About sums up this review really.

  • alex

    stop getting your mates to stand up for the band.

    i think its pretty a pretty useless record. i mean. monkeyfish . . . . . i would be embarrassed to put that out……… they should put the 15k in the bank and leave the music well alone.

    it is possible to be a good, tight band. but with no actual ability to go far. the keys are talented musicians. but together they are not a band. they dont live up to the hype. not worth the money they won. shame on you slicethepie

  • Robin


    To those people who said why did you send the EP for review – maybe because I got a message from someone called Colin at saying “congratulations please send us your EP to review”

    By the way, the band think this is hilarious – its great to receive a bad review instead of constantly being told how great we are lmao

  • David

    “I got a message from someone called Colin at saying ‘congratulations please send us your EP to review'” – I never knew that!

  • Beaver Fuel

    It was looking like Vixens all over again for a moment there…

  • Big Tim

    Please, please, PLEASE can someone from the Keyz’s mum write a semi-illiterate ranting response just to restore the natural order of things?!

    Fair play to the band for taking it well. It’s the essence of music – some people will like it, some people will hate it. The trick is to get more people liking than hating, and it’s a neat trick if you can pull it off.


    er can i lend a 50 off someone please?

    c’mon my music is adored by thousands of people!!!!!


    oh and Rob im sure your a cool guy but your doing yourself no favours with your responce….sir, you sound like an arse!

  • Clouds

    ” To those people who said why did you send the EP for review – maybe because I got a message from someone called Colin at saying “congratulations please send us your EP to review”

    – So, let me get this straight, if Colin said ” Go home, get your mum, and throw her over the edge of a cliff “, would you do it? Probably not (I hope not!). Why? Because you don’t do something just becuase someone else said you should.

    I can only assume that you are an adult, capable to make your own decisions. The fact that Colin “suggested” you send him the demo doesn’t mean you can blame him, ultimately it’s your band, you call the shots.

    If you are scared of feedback, good or bad, DO NOT SEND YOUR DEMOS TO REVIEWERS! Oh and congrats on the money…use it wisely!

  • Robin

    I’m not scared of feedback! If I was scared of feedback I would not have put my music on slicethepie and got £15,000.

    I just feel that reviews should be construcivly critical. If I dont like a song or music, I will find the one thing I do like about it and praise it, and mention where other aspects can be amended. I do not feel swearing is necessary in a review (it is very unprofessional) and of course I would not go home and throw my mum over the edge of a cliff lmao! I can only assume the EP was requested so that it could be slated.

    I dont mind tho, the cash will be well spent and we have already recorded most of the album in the past 2 weeks…

  • Beaver Fuel

    “I can only assume the EP was requested so that it could be slated.”

    The reviewer is not the same person who requested the EP. You might notice that their names are different, which is often a giveaway.

    Are you going to submit the album for review?

  • colinmackinnon

    Yeah, backing up Beaver, we requested the CD, simply so we could listen to it and review it. There was no evil conspiracy to bring The Keyz down a peg or two for their crime of winning Slice the Pie! It’s just that the reviewer didn’t like the music and explained why not. Nothing more complex than that.

    For another big discussion on ‘Constructive Criticism’, look up the ‘Boy Did Good’ record review.

    And if the Keyz want a review of their album when it’s ready, we’ll certainly do it with an open mind. Though I may give it someone other than D.M!

  • gappy

    ” If I dont like a song or music, I will find the one thing I do like about it and praise it”

    We’ve been thru this before, in other threads, but what’s the fucking (sorry, unprofessional of me) point of that? If a reviewer thinks something is shit, they should say so – preferably with an even hand, a decent turn of phrase, and no personal animosity. Reviewers are there to provide interesting copy about music fopr potential listener, not to buff the egos of musicians, or offer on the job training. I mean, what constructive criticism can one give to something awful – “Stop being shit”?

    If you go to a restaurant where the meal is shocking, do you begin your complaint with “I must say, your forks are wonderfully clean…unfortunately, your food poisoned my wife and your waiters spat in my face, so you could do a little better there”?

    -Excuse me, Sir, could you describe the man who mugged you, shot your fgather, raped your sister and badmouthed yo mama?
    -Well, Officer, first let me say that he had beautifully pared fingernails…

  • gappy

    Oops, typos galore in that post! I was talking on the phone at the same time, in my defence!

  • Beaver Fuel

    “Reviewers are there to provide interesting copy about music for potential listener, not to buff the egos of musicians”

    Well put.

  • gappy

    But not well typed ; )

  • Beaver Fuel

    I barely notice these days!

  • Kinetic X

    Just to pick up on a point made by Beaver;
    ‘The reviewer is not the same person who requested the EP’

    This may be the case – but when the review begins with;
    ‘At first sight we hated this CD ‘ and continues to use the term ‘we’ throughout…unless the reviewer has dissociative identity disorder, who exactly is ‘we’?

    I’m assuming everyone at must be in agreement with this particular review. Fair one – and each to their own.

    The fact is, The Keyz were originally guaranteed the £15,000 for successully reaching (and winning) a showcase comprising of the sites 15 top rated artists (all genres). Unfortunatly for The Keyz, the site went through an upgrade and the original guarantee no longer existed. They have now had to achieve £15,000 of investment in competition with 56 other highly rated artists (each up for investment too). I am happy to inform you all that the Keyz successfully reached that £15,000 target a few hours ago.

    I can appreciate that everyone will have a differing opinion of their music but it is clear that those people that have rated them highly are also prepared to put their money where their mouth is. They certainly feel confident that The Keyz are a good investment proposition given that the Keyz need to sell 15,000 albums for the investors to break even.

    Love them or hate them. I’m sure you will all join me in wishing them every success.

  • Beaver Fuel

    A lot of reviewers use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’, mostly I think because they are representing a publication or organisation, although it figures that their opinions may not be the same as everyone else’s within that organisation. Although any review should be that person alone’s opinion it seems less self-important to me if they use ‘we’, and that term is often acceptable when talking about one’s self anyway. That’s it, I’ve got it – Mr Murphy, refer to yourself as ‘one’!

  • colinmackinnon

    The we/I thing is a matter of personal taste. Nightshift predominantly use ‘we’ , as does D.M., whereas I prefer ‘I’, as it emphasises my personal connection (or lack of it) with what’s coming out of the speakers. For the record, I wasn’t a big fan of the Keyz EP either (‘Monkeyfish’ in particular is a dreadful song), but would probably have given it a middling review. But there’s often no necessary connection between what one reviewer writes and what another one thinks. The Euhedral record divided us down the middle, for example.

  • David

    I’m afraid my dislike of this review was all my own work.

    Sorry, “our”.

    But, good luck to them, of course. Seems like they have a sense of perspective about bad reviews, anyway!

  • akzel

    The Keyz are a terrible band offering nothing new or remotely interesting. A group calling themselves “The Keyz” should at least be exhibiting some talent by the pianist. They should probably think about replacing the vocalist and the keyboard player.