Trophy Cabinet and the Gedge

Trophy Cabinet @ O2 Academy, 11/12/2010

Here’s a nice thing. You may remember us reporting, a little while ago, that old-school indie-pop band Trophy Cabinet were playing their first gig in twenty years, as support to The Wedding Present on their Bizarro tour.

Well, they (Trophy Cabinet) have gone and put together a little video about the show, which is a pleasant diversion if you have the time:

They’re also on the hunt for more gigs in Oxford, so any promoters out there that like the look of ’em, get in touch at their MySpace page. Also, a question: who out there in Oxford is also making good indie-pop music these days?

  • HasLegs

    ”a question: who out there in Oxford is also making good indie-pop music these days?”

    Ive just started as an Indie pop promoting in Oxford and for my cash….

    Alphabet Backwards/Secret Rivals/Minor Coles/The Gullivers/We Aeronauts (in no particular order..All take a very different slant on Indie pop)

    I endevour in the coming months to build a site and continue promoting the indie pop scene in this fine county
    (haslegs mixtape vol 1 coming soon …..shhh)

  • Phil Kelly

    Hi Haslegs, we are up for more gigs and could also donate an MP3 for any compilations! Cheers TC!r

  • Ash

    Thats awesome we’d love to have TC play….how you fixed for the 30th of March @ The Wheaty?

    can you email (sorry MIO for seemingly confusing your site with social networking heh)