Quick interview #8: The Gullivers

The Gullivers reckon they ‘don’t sound like they used to, the energetic punk of youth now replaced by a more solemn and rewarding blend of reverby post rock-influenced indie pop.’

1.What do you think you sound like?

Least favourite question ever. Big, swirling, beautiful and melancholic.

2. What do you do when you’re not making music?

Think about making music, work, promote Three Blind Mice nights, go to the Cellar and meet people who we nod at in vague recognition the next week, dance, take exams – that’s about everything.

3. Recommend us a good band or album and tell us what’s good about it.

Just one? It’d be very easy to say Alligator by The National but I think Turn On The Bright Lights by Interpol and Takk by Sigur Ros have influenced us most, mainly due to the way a particular mood and atmosphere runs through and defines each of them (don’t care if that’s cheating).

4. Where did you get your band name from?

From reading A Clockwork Orange: it’s not Gulliver’s Travels, although most people think this.

5. What do you like and dislike about Oxford and its music?

Like: The bands, most of the promoters, the fact that the city is still small enough for there to be a sense of community (unlike London), the fact that it’s beautiful to walk around.

Dislike: Because town is so small there are sometimes a lack of punters to go around, but let’s focus on the positives shall we?

  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    The Gullivers reckon they ‘don’t sound like they used to, the energetic punk of youth now replaced by a more solemn and rewarding blend of reverby post rock-influenced indie pop.’

    You guys should be reviewers!

    If it makes you feel better, I never even thought about Lemuel Gulliver when I heard your name, it’s always been about Alex’ head for me.

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    Is that a quote, it has quote ‘wotsits’ around it.

  • Jay Rival

    You guys are my fave band!!!

    well maybe 2nd fave (Cribs)

    Cant wait for the new EP

  • Jay Rival

    Yet i cant STAND Interpol?

    Go figure?

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    U R clearley RONG their cos Turn On The Bright Lights iz an eggzellent albumen an Interpol iz brilyunt eye sore um @ burrmingum acne a cupple ov yeers bak an dey rocked!

  • Jay Rival

    Sorprise surprise Joe tells someone there opinion is wrong (how can i be wrong in saying i dont like something)….yawn! (go away you petty man and have a think about how your percieved or continue to make an absolute turd of yourself once again)

    dont worry Gulls i wont be drawn into this fools bull on your interview page

    well played enjoyed reading it and looking forward to 02 gig.

  • thin green fred.

    “meet people who we nod at in vague recognition the next week” I like that, so true.

    Joe – Jay Not on here please. take it to TGC bit if needed.

  • Jay Rival

    Indeed….back off smack jack lol

  • Clouds

    What a bright and charming interview from a bright and charming bunch…Gullivers are one the best bands in Oxford. “Ambulance” EP is beautifully melancholic and fragile. If you haven’t, give them a listen or even better try to catch them live.

  • Jay Rival

    Im more into Gullivers EP at the mo …Ambulance is amazing no doubt but ‘Chemicals’ and ‘Forever’ cant be argued with in my humble opinion.

    REALLY good lyrics as well on all there stuff.

    Right thats enough smoke blowing for one day better get back to work.

  • colinmackinnon

    I like the photo- very Oxford in January-is it South Park?

  • http://www.gappytooth.com gappy

    Probably Bicester.

    Mind you, it looks like that all year round over there ; )

  • Linda

    Better than the scarlets

  • Big Tim

    @Post 13:

    They’ve both got the “small jacket, hands in pockets” thing going on though. Bunch of posers…

  • thin green fred.

    and a silly hat but it does look bloody cold.

  • Andrew

    have I missed something? what exactly is wrong with wearing a jacket??

  • thin green fred.

    see the Scarletts thread, nothing really.

  • Beaver Fuel

    Nothing unless you have your hands in your pockets.

  • Clouds

    Damn! There was me putting my hands in my pockets in winter to keep my hands warm…Clearly image is more important than warm hands!

  • thin green fred.

    the one in the red coat is the only one who is truly cool.

  • thin green fred.

    or who’s hand are about to fall off due to frost bite

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    “Sorprise surprise Joe tells someone there opinion is wrong”
    Yes but I was joking.

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    Stop being so negative about Interpol as well. Oh hang on… they are already signed and not an Oxford band, plus Jay can’t stand them so it’s OK.

    It doesn’t seem to matter whether I post something or not now as I’m still likely to get the blame for someone else anyway. I am Kev, I am Bono From U2, I am Fred from Thin Green Candles, I am RegardlessOfWhoIam, I am Phill Honey and anyone else who has ever made a negative, abusive or aggressive comment on here or on Nightshift.

    There you go, a nice convenient common enemy for you to unite against!

    Down with Joe! Stop Chapman! I am the cause of war, hatred, starvation, plaque and animal testing across the world.

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    I am also Trev but I’m his evil side, all of your swearing and bad behaviour makes me stronger. Each time you cuss or curse I grow.

  • http://davidmurphyreviews.blogspot.com david

    “Each time you cuss or curse I grow.”

    Turned on by the dirty talk, eh?

  • http://www.last.fm/music/spiral+25 Joe

    OK. I have been out of order here. I was just having a joke but didn’t think and I’m sorry. I’ll leave you all alone now. Fair enough.

  • http://www.myspace.com/thegullivers Grill

    Yes it is South Park, it was whenever there was almost snow – probably Jan, and MY hands are sewn into my pockets and only unpicked to (try) and play bass.
    Truly was a cold day.

  • http://www.myspace.com/thegullivers Grill

    Oh and while I’m here (plug alert) we’re playing with broken records on 16th June, give us a shout/myspace if you want a ticket!

  • Luke

    I dont want a ticket

  • Mark

    Luke, think you have misinterpreted the situation? You ask if you WANT a ticket otherwise you’ll be fine and won’t get one. Nearly got it…nearly.

  • Jay Rival

    I want a biscuit.

  • Luke

    Lyrically the worst band in Oxford